7 April 2022

S John Henry Newman in Hungary

 I have received a perfectly charming communication from Hungary, about a church dedicated to S John Henry Newman! I wonder if it is the first such church in the world?

Here you can see Mass in the Usus Authenticus being celebrated there:


Or is the g a q?

How JHN would have loved it!


Ben Whitworth said...

How interesting to see the Royal Doors in use in the Latin rite!

Longinus said...

We have a St John Henry Newman parish in the US:

Jhayes said...

A Google search turned up an Ordinariate Church of St. John Henry Newman in California


Matthew said...

Absolutely splendid, though perhaps not the regular Use of either priest or people? Interesting blend of Latin and (presumably) Hungarian, and of plainchant and popular music derived therefrom. Something similar used to be current in Normandy; recordings of exist of pre-V2 parish Sunday Vespers, which the people entered into with gusto but which might horrify the purists.