20 July 2021


 "You have to realise that he is aiming at reform that is irreversible. If one day he should intuit that he's running out of time and doesn't have enough time to do what the Spirit is asking of him, you can be sure that he will speed up."

Thus spoke a close collaborator of PF, soon after the start of this pontificate. 

Have we now reached the point of which Archbishop Fernandez spoke?

What else is likely to hit us in the Speeded Up Period?


El Codo said...
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Mary Kay said...

Your memory is much better than mine, Father. Thanks for this reminder. And Tucho is probably well-acquainted with Francis, so his remark is probably (nearly) prophetic. Your final question should make us all a bit uncomfortable, or else increase our prayer and fasting.

Mick Jagger Gathers No Mosque said...

Dear Father. Anticipate Bergoglio issuing a Motu Proprio "reforming" how the Cardinalate elects his successor.

Even though he has named over 50% of the members who will comprise the next Conclave and could reasonably expect to elect a successor sympathetic to his will, the Pope will "Reform" the process and simply select his successor.

He will aver this is simply a return to the praxis of the early Church and a simpler time when a Pope chose his successor.

He will note the expense involved in flying to Rome the Cardinals who will form the Conclave and the expense to fly them there and wine and dine them and how it would be a much more economical practice to not spend that money in such an extravagance way and to use the money saved to fund items necessary to serve the poor in his field hospital.

After choosing his successor who will carry on the way of mercy in the new way of being Church, he will retire.

keynciontan said...

Anglicanorum Coetibus is probably on his naughty list. Similarly, now that the communities formerly overseen by Ecclesia Dei are all under CICLSAL / CDW, a blanket ban of the TLM for religious communities seems achievable. And while at it, why not ban ad Orientem entirely in all forms of the Latin church, you know, just so that nobody gets any ideas?

coradcorloquitur said...

How perverse to blame "traddies" for the venom that Francis has unceasingly shown them from day one of his pontificate. To have doubts about the debacle which was Vatican II (a pastoral council that does not require the assent of faith for any of its propositions) is not unCatholic. It is to love the Church they see destroyed by one cynical action after another. To excuse the destroyers of the Church, men who abuse their authority, is the true and real Protestant position---one unworthy of the children of the Church, who should love and defend her against idolators of the Pachamama and persecutors of the orthodox and of the liturgy of saints and martyrs over two millenia. Semper fidelis, fellow Catholics.

Laurentius Rhenanius said...

Scorched earth policy ...

vetusta ecclesia said...

Loony Puerto Rican bish has already used the latest MP by occasion to ban: maniples, burses, linen altar cloths, copes, humeral veils, birettas and chasubles of Roman cut!!

Albrecht von Brandenburg said...

El Codo's reply is a classical example not only of projection, but of the pot calling the kettle black.


P.S. if you could still bear in mind in the mememnto of the living, my intention re a certain lady.

The Saint Bede Studio said...

El Codo : I don't see much faith or charity in your ambit claims, but I do see a lot of sneering.

Cus said...


John Nolan said...

What was it that Lord Randolph Churchill said of WE Gladstone? 'Beware an old man in a hurry.'

Sue Sims said...

Oh, I assumed that 'El Codo' was being heavily ironic - surely no one could write that sort of thing seriously?

Prayerful said...

That's a very poor sort of victim blaming. If you think that PF restricted the Mass because of 20 spergs on Twiiter, you really must be born yesterday.

Prayerful said...

A good portion of his Cardinals are just local notables, Episcopal Conference big cheeses, who don't offend him. I see PF looking to see if a preferred successor has the numbers. He cannot take anything for granted, and even for supposed pals 'eaten bread is soon forgotten.' That might bring some relief to Massgoers.

Marc in Eugene said...

ABS, Surely such a 'reform' of the Conclave would result in an outright schism, with pope and anti-pope. Even Franciscus cannot be that blind to the consequences of his nonsense. Of course, if he wants outright schism....

prince Matecki said...

As far as I understand the CIC and the relevant papal documents, the cardinals in conclave are rather autonomous. Any regulation which a pope commands could be changed in the conclave provided you get a majority (and the deacon of the cardinals lets you bring up the motion....).

Mick Jagger Gathers No Mosque said...

Dear Marc.Yeah, ABS should have written that Bergoglio resigned effective simultaneously with his choice of a successor.