6 February 2020


UPDATE Cardinal Mueller , in his most recent Interview, has expressed a position very much like that adopted by Tom Weinandy. Here is the Lifesitenews text:
" As soon as [the bishops] teach and decide something contrary to the Apostolic doctrine and the sacramental constitution of the Church, they have lost the right to the 'religious obedience of the faithful' (Lumen Gentium 25; Dei Verbum 10). Already  many bishops in the course of Church history have become heretical or led their parishes in schism, as for example the Donatists, who, with their majority, stood up to the Catholics in North Africa."
 As a poor sad old product of the intellectual passions of the 1960s, I still ... Yes!! ... believe in the importance of the cause of Christian Unity. Every morning this week, I have offered that marvellous old Mass ad tollendum schisma, with those moving lections from S Paul ad Ephesios, and the Lord's High Priestly Prayer. It has profoundly affected me.

Of course, I have been aware that currently we should be praying, not least, for the Unity of all those who are already in Full Communion with the See of S Peter. And suddenly, there came into my mind (by chance, if you believe in chance) memories of the teaching of Fr Thomas Weinandy (lecture, February 2018, in Sidney).

Weinandy, once Warden of Greyfriars in this University and, until he was sacked, a Very Big Man on the theological Commission of the USA Episcopal Conference, analysed the ecclesiology of S Ignatius the Matyr.

In the course of this, he discussed the position of a bishop who "espouse[d] heretical teaching, whether concerning doctrine, morals, or pastoral and sacramental practice which bears upon doctrine and morals". He argued that "such a bishop no longer was in union with the catholic ecclesial community for he no longer professed the one apostolic faith of the Church and thus rendered himself incapable of exercising fully his office as bishop. ... He may continue to act outside the Church, or even within the Church, but his actions would would lack a genuine ecclesial character, for the essential and indispensible four marks of the Church would be absent within his specious ministry".

[I myself might have said: "was no longer in full union withe catholic ecclesial community".]

Fr Tom remarked:"I similarly employ [this argument] in the face of our contemporary ecclesial crisis". I agree. His judgement would apply, in my opinion, to any bishop who fitted his analysis, from the servus servorum Dei upwards.

I am sustained in this opinion by its closeness to the teaching of our Patron S John Henry Newman. Analysing ecclesiologically the Arian Crisis, he argued that, during that period, the Magisterium of the Ecclesia docens was in suspense: in the sense that, as an objective historical fact, bishops from the pope downwards were, whether because of their own heresy or because of fear and intimidation,  not de facto exercising the sacred teaching ministry vested in them.

We must, I believe, pray that all those bishops, high and low, whose ministry is thus sadly and gravely vitiated may, with the help of God's grace, return to the exercise of an episcopal ministry which possesses "a genuine ecclesial character", thus coming fully back into the Unity for which Christ prayed, and restoring to the Church her Oneness, her Holiness, her Catholicity, and her Apostolicity.


Ivanmijeime said...

Belli tumultus ingruit,
Cultus Dei contemnitur;
Ultrixque culpam persequens
Jam poena terris imminet.

Quem nos in hoc discrimine
Coelestium de sedibus
Praesentiorem vindicem,
Quam te, Pie, invocabimus?

Nemo, beate Pontifex,
Intensiore robore
Quam tu, superni numinis
Promovit in terris decus.

Quem nos in hoc discrimine
Coelestium de sedibus
Praesentiorem vindicem,
Quam te, Pie, invocabimus?

Ausisve fortioribus
Avertit a cervicibus,
Quod Christianis gentibus
Jugum parabant barbari.

Quem nos in hoc discrimine
Coelestium de sedibus
Praesentiorem vindicem,
Quam te, Pie, invocabimus?

Tu comparatis classibus,
Votis magis sed fervidis
Ad insulas Echinadas
Fundis tyrannum Thraciae.

Quem nos in hoc discrimine
Coelestium de sedibus
Praesentiorem vindicem,
Quam te, Pie, invocabimus?

Absensque eodem tempore,
Hostis fuit quo perditus,
Vides, et adstantes doces
Pugnae secundos exitus.

Quem nos in hoc discrimine
Coelestium de sedibus
Praesentiorem vindicem,
Quam te, Pie, invocabimus?

Majora qui coelo potes,
Tu supplices nunc aspice,
Tu civium discordias
Compesce, et iras hostium.

Quem nos in hoc discrimine
Coelestium de sedibus
Praesentiorem vindicem,
Quam te, Pie, invocabimus?

Precante te, pax aurea
Terris revisat; ut Deo
Tuti queamus reddere
Mox laetiora cantica.

Quem nos in hoc discrimine
Coelestium de sedibus
Praesentiorem vindicem,
Quam te, Pie, invocabimus?

Tibi, Beata Trinitas
Uni Deo sit gloria,
Laus, et potestas omnia
Per saeculorum saecula. Amen.

V. Ora pro nobis, beate Pie.
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

Deus, qui ad conterendos Ecclesiae tuae hostes, et ad divinum cultum reparandum beatum Pium pontificem maximum eligere dignatus es: fac nos ipsius defendi praesidiis, et ita tuis inhaerere obsequiis, ut omnium hostium superatis insidiis perpetua pace laetemur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

(The hymn "Belli tumultus" and the prayer for the intercession of Pope St. Pio V.)

Pope Pius VII. granted in 1801. plenary indulgence to every believer who, on the feast of St. Pio V. (May 5) prays this hymn before the altar or the relics of St. Pius V, and partial indulgence of 40 days to the faithful who obtain it in any other time, and place ...

Dad29 said...

Do you suppose that Fr. Weinandy was prophesying about Bp. Sorondo?

See: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/exclusive-vatican-bishop-defends-giving-communion-to-pro-abortion-argentine-president-and-mistress