8 January 2018

Cardinal Mueller on Exclusive ideologists

"Some ideological groups present themselves as the exclusive guardians of the only true interpretation of Amoris laetitia. They feel they have the right to condemn all people of another standpoint as stupid, rigid, old-fashioned, Medieval, etc.. ..."

I have a problem with this ... not that I often quarel with his Eminence ... I have always prided myself on being stupid, old-fashioned, and Medieval. Then, this last year, following PF's insistent encouragement, I added to my temperament the additional characteristic of Rigidity.

I'm very happy with this combination of the virtues. Couldn't I hang on to them just until the end of this pontificate?


Ivanmijeime said...

The enemies are using wrong words, of course,- intensionally:
Stupid -- Oldfashioned -- Medieval -- Rigid ...
means to say:
Orthodox -- Traditional -- Radical -- Catholic ...

But of course, we know already how they (ex odio est verum Fidei) hate those words. Especially the first and the last one!

Damasus said...

As I am Marcantonio Colonna myself, I don´t ask you if it´s you? Though....

vetusta ecclesia said...

The one thing no one can say with any honesty and integrity about AL is that it is clear and unambiguous - hence these "ideological groups".

A Daughter of Mary said...

I wonder, in all humility, why these prelates, and Pope Francis, have to talk so much. It's a case of "we have a microphone, therefore we must talk." Mueller, Francis, when someone shoves a mike in your face, just say NO!

Liam Ronan said...

A noisy scatter-shot characterization by the Cardinal who, presumably, ought be accustomed to drawing necessary precisions, distinctions, and identifications in order to hit the target.

I am reminded of the words of the Bard:

"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player. That struts and frets his hour upon the stage. And then is heard no more: it is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing." - Macbeth -

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

How many interpretations of the inflexible "You shall not commit adultery" should there be according to Cardinal Mueller? After all, there never was an "unless" attached to the simple commandment.

Mick Jagger Gathers No Mosque said...

Amoris Laeitita was issued April 8. 2016 and we are still expected to pretend to quibble over what it means when Our Pope and Our Cross could not have made himself any clearer.

He claims that people living in Adultery can be living in a state of Grace - even Sanctifying Grace when to live in Adultery is to break a Commandment.

What he claims is a complete and utter heresy that is as fetid as it is fatuous.

Marianne said...

Me too!

Donna Bethell said...

Am I missing something? I read the Cardinal as criticizing those who "condemn all people of another standpoint as stupid, rigid, old-fashioned, Medieval, etc.. ..." I see him defending those of us who are proud to be rigid, old-fashioned, Medieval, etc.

E sapelion said...

Cardinal Mueller, in this interview, deplores 'progressives' who, being unable to deploy a theological argument, resort to name-calling of their opponents. I am unclear why you Father, or any well balanced person, would object.

Fr John Hunwicke said...

Sorry! I was writing with humorous irony. Of course I applaud Mueller's defence of all of us who are rigid etc..

Liam Ronan said...

@E sapelion,

It doesn't matter which unnamed parties were intended. I stand by my original assessment in respect of the toothless generality of the remarks.