17 January 2023

Can readers help?

There are reports that the Roman Pontiff recently used an impromptu speech to criticise "f***ing careerists who f*** up the lives of others", and "those who climb to show their a***"

Can anybody supply me with facts about to whom he was spaking, and, in particular, what  exactly he said in which language.

(Incidentally, the present Anglican Bishop of Worcester once began a sermon with the word "F*ck!")


  1. It would only be surprising if he spoke it in Latin.

  2. https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/francis-shocks-seminarians-with-expletives

  3. Father,

    There is an article on the Daily Compass dated January 9, describing the events of the meeting of seminarians from Barcelona with Pope Francis.

    Even though the Holy Father's alleged remarks are not ex cathedra, when does the weight of accumulated evidence cause some kind of valid ecclesial reaction?

    I was trying to categorize all the various things the Pope has said and done, to try to make sense of the nature of them, and I have come up with the "no situation gambit".
    In many of the situations in which Francis has proposed what appear to be heretical acts or mostly, omissions, his justification is because there is no possible situation in which the given dogmatic truth could possibly pertain "nowadays".

    Thus, there exists no possible situation in which a priest could determine whether the conditions exist to withhold absolution, or to withhold the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, or to approve capital punishment, or to... etc. Has anyone asked His Holiness lately the meaning of the passage, "... whose sins you retain are retained"?

  4. On December 10, Pope Francis addressed seminarians from Barcelona. The Vatican published, and reported on, his prepared remarks, but not on his extemporaneous remarks.



    "Welcoming the seminarians to the Vatican Dec. 10, Pope Francis handed them the speech he had prepared for the occasion, although he did not read it to them," Catholic News Service reported at the time. https://catholicreview.org/pope-asks-seminarians-to-be-joyful-but-realistic/

  5. What do you think PF's problem is? Brain tumor, or demonic possession?

  6. Father, this article refers to the quotation about which you asked: https://catholicherald.co.uk/pope-francis-rants-against-delinquent-priests-who-withhold-absolution-2/

  7. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/03/03/285271511/pope-francis-lets-a-vulgarity-slip-during-vatican-address

  8. Father, here:




  9. It appears, based on reports going back years, that Bergoglio, both before and after his election to the papacy, habitually swears, curses and utters crude and vulgar expressions. This simply reveals his interior state; and none of this should be a surprise to anybody. His whole pontificate is offensive to pious ears, and one can only hope "Morto subito!"

  10. To quote Wikipedia, "Benedict XIV also had his personal faults... and was known for the use of profane language... Despite his best efforts, the pontiff was unable to completely cut out bad language." Apparently he used to gaze upon the crucifix in an attempt to shame himself into not using vulgar expressions.

    I seem to recall that Papa Lambertini often used to exclaim "cabbage!" ("cavolo"), a common Bolognese expression, which to modern ears doesn't sound that bad, though it apparently is a euphemism for the far ruder "cazzo", which I assume is what the present Pope, now ingloriously reigning, has said.

  11. On Indonesian free-to-air TV, the f-word in feature films is replaced by half a second of silence. Eg:
    "Enough is enough! I have HAD it with the m.... snakes on this m... plane!"
    As for me, I have HAD it with the metaphorical snakes on this metaphorical (and sometimes literal) papal plane...

  12. Seems like all reports refer back to this one: https://newdailycompass.com/en/francis-shocks-barcelona-seminarians-with-sexual-expletives

  13. The Pope just likes to be Frank.

  14. I have no idea whether any of this is true. But remember that PF is not Spanish, the seminarians may be Catalan speaking with an education in formal Castilian Spanish, and Argentinians may use the language as differently as Australians do from educated Englishmen. Aussie politicians regularly use language in Parliament which would have them suspended in the UK.

    1. Ah yes, the celebrated exchange in the Aussie parliament:

      MP: I am a Country member!
      PM: I remember.

  15. Never having heard of this "new daily compass" I turn to it and the first thing that catches my eye is an article claiming Francis and Benedict's views on abortion are irreconcilable!
    So do they think Pope Benedict would have disagreed with that?
    Next an article saying Covid Vaccines are useless/dangerous. I conclude that the journal is full of pernicious lies.

  16. Papa Bergoglio's repeated coarseness shows an unquiet soul, anger and a very limited intellect. Perhaps Argentine Castellano may be uniquely earthy, and given his lack of faculty with language (some years in Dublin's Jesuit Milltown Institute yet barely a sentence of English but at the Papal Mass in Ireland, when nothing was said on abortion, managed to pronounce the Latin bits correctly unlike the sorry Irish cohort), Francis might not always convey the meaning he intends. Yet the curse words sound like Francis being Francis. It's desperately sad that the Head of State of the Vatican City cannot stop spewing impiety. Forgiving every sin regardless is at best an utter abuse and something only a chaplain to career criminals would do. His habitual use of the word 'closeness' is frankly creepy, inappropriate given his closeness to Grassi, Inzoli and others accused or convicted of criminal conduct towards those in their care or under their responsibility.

  17. Are we, as a Church, any closer to the inescapable, tragic conclusion that with Francis we are dealing with someone who possesses a seemingly innate criminal character: mendacity, maligning, crudity, linguistic coarseness, intellectual deficiency, slanderous projection unto others of his own faults (a rather common leftist trait, by the way), and classic Jesuitical duplicity. Does this creature---so carefully selected by the Sankt Gallen Mafia (composed in its earlier genesis of some alleged "aristocrats" like Cardinal Martini) to topple Benedict XVI---possess any virtues at all? If he does, he hides them like a magician. What does come out with chilling consistency are the worst character traits one might associate with bouncers in low-rent bars---which, in fact, he once was.

  18. "Next an article saying Covid Vaccines are useless/dangerous. I conclude that the journal is full of pernicious lies."

    I would not base ones opinion of the veracity of the New Compass Journal on this, given the increasing number of studies / reports by reputable outlets that this is in fact the case re the COVID shots (which are technically not vaccines in the traditional sense).
