17 January 2023

Again ... PLEASE!!

Dear Readers

In July, God Willing, there will take place the 2023 Roman Forum Conference in Gardone, in North Italy. The subject this year is to be "Christianity and Paganism ... old and new".

I regard this as highly important. On the one hand, the Vatican sponsored the idolatrous Pachamama business, and is involved with Middle Eastern interests in a scheme which seems to rest on Relativism and Indifferentism: projects which Joseph Ratinger opposed. More significantly, they were opposed, throughout his life, by Saint John Henry Newman.

In addition to this, there is the persistent determination of our enemies to drive Christ to the margins; to forbid Him entrance to public fora. They hope that hearing will only be given to their own  wokery, gender-bending, and all the rest of Satan's agenda.

I very much hope I can again bring my modest voice to the Gardone project. But financial imperatives do not remain the same. Last year, kind friends were prepared to sponsor me financially to lecture at Gardone. 

This year, I'm afraid, the need for such help is even greater.

I beg all who think well of my teaching, and have means to do so, to help me in this matter. You can do this by assuring Dr John Rao of your willingness financially to support my participation in Gardone 2023.

Please help! To whom can I turn if not to you?

John Hunwicke

Dr Rao is at: drjcrao@aol.com


  1. I'll make a financial contribution, Father, and I'll pay something extra if you pack a megaphone.

  2. The website for the symposium is for 2017.

  3. Father, the 2023 symposium isn't even online yet. Not even the dates.

    I told John Rao about how obsolete and misleading his website is. I am not sure that he sees the problem.

    If I am to send you money, as I intend, I would at least like to be able to determine whether I can attend!


    Miller in Minnesota (USA)

  4. I could contribute a bit, tho I don't know how contributions are to be made. I hope a bit of levity, wit regarding dear Pope Francis and his confusions might be a thing you could try Fr at any open mic portion of the conference, obviously not quite as earthy as the dear Holy Father would be, just to lighten things. That probably wouldn't be a thing, but anyhow.
