13 November 2017

"Little boys should be allowed to wear tiaras!"

Thus, the Church of England's Education Department, nobly defending the rights of Anglican transtoddlers.

Now we know why all those "I'll pope as soon as I qualify for my pension" clerics are still hanging on in what Blessed John Henry so felicitously referred to as the House of Bondage.

Ahhhhh ... the simple pleasure of seeing Fr A, Fr B, and Fr C, not to mention the Right Reverend episcopopters, entering Church to the sound of Tu es Petrus, each wearing his triregnum! I simply can't wait!

Just for once, the beneficent and omnicompetent Mr Luzar may be incapable of supplying instantly all their needs!!!!


scotchlil said...

I am, not for the first time, almost speechless. Talk about fiddling while Canterbury burns... If the expression, 'You couldn't make it up' did not already exist, it would be more than necessary to invent it. I am at a loss to know what of the Gospel remains in the Anglican communion. And they are PROUD of their promulgation of this nonsense...

Jonathan.p.manning@gmail.com said...

Even as they try and show their relevance they cannot hide their anachronistic adherence to bigoted gender stereotypes. There are no more boys toys or girls toys. If a boy felt that he was a girl and wanted to express that feeling he could do so just as well by wearing long trousers and carrying a sword.

Deacon Augustine said...

If, in the future, society were in retrospect to judge that this perversion were to be just another form of child abuse, I wonder whether they will attempt the Murphy O'Connor line of defence: "We just didn't understand how wrong it was back then."

John Nolan said...

I thought tiaras were reserved for married women. No doubt Debrett's has been altered to accommodate the new thinking.

scotchlil said...

I experienced a further 'delectatio morosa' at seeing the present 'Primate of All England' signing himself "+ + Justin Cantab" (courtesy of Fr Robin Ward's FB page...). I dare say God is not much exercised by this, but it demonstrates, to me, the casual carelessness of almost everything 'they' do nowadays. Even worse - they are entirely indifferent to their casual carelessness...

Stephen Barber said...

I have always made it a rule on a topic like this to read the original report that is being referred to. I have now done so. It is readily available on line at

I find it a sensible and balanced report. There is no need to confuse the issue of dressing up with the quite different issue of gender dysphoria. The main thrust of the report is to deal with bullying.

motuproprio said...

Stephen Barber gives the link for an earlier report. The new version is to be found at https://www.churchofengland.org/media/4043522/ce-vagc-report-dl-v6-web.pdf