18 January 2011

A model of Christian tact ...

... is found in the wording of the Vatican Information Service announcement of the appointment of the Ordinary (I wonder if "Reverend" rather than "Fr" means it was signed or prepared for signature between Thursday evening and Saturday noon). Anything which, as this announcement does, emphasises continuities rather than discontinuities is to be welcomed.

I wonder, too, how one names a non-episcopal ordinary in the new Eucharistic Prayers. "Ordinario"? In Te igitur, I rather think that Antistite, which does not actually mean Bishop, could be vague enough to stand. Does anybody know what happened, ex.gr., in Abbeys nullius, in the pre-Vatican II days?


  1. I have wondered about the naming, one minor draw-back of the canon beginning during the singing of the Sanctus at Fr. Burnham's first Mass.

    I wonder whether you are able to comment in the difference in meaning between Antistite and Episcopo (I note that the latter form is used in the newly written Eucharistic prayers) for we humble non-Latinists.

  2. When I saw the title of this post I thought you had me in mind Father. I was dreadfully disappointed that you didn't!

  3. The most recent General Instruction on the Roman Missal, on the English & Welsh Bishops' Liturgy website, states:

    The diocesan Bishop or anyone equivalent to him in law must be mentioned
    by means of this formula: una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro N. et Episcopo (or
    Vicario, Prelato, Praefecto, Abbate) (together with your servant N., our Pope, and
    N., our Bishop [or Vicar, Prelate, Prefect, Abbot]).

    Presumably "Ordinary" fits into this list (cf. Anglicanorum Coetibus I,3).

  4. Sorry, I forgot to mention in my previous post that this was quoted from Paragraph 149


  5. In Apostolic Prefectures and Apostolic Vicariates, it goes...N., our Prefect/Vicar Apostolic..

  6. "for we humble non-Latinists
    Non-Anglicists as well.
