18 January 2011

Calendar matters: the ORDINARIATE

Do I take it that, automatically, the Commemorations of our Lady of Walsingham (September 21) and of Bl John Henry Newman (October 9) are, in the Ordinariate, Solemnities (or, depending on the language you speak, Doubles of the First Class)?

We ORDO Compilers need to know these things.


  1. I don't think you can celebrate a beatus as more than a festum.

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  3. According to the Table of Liturgical Days, feasts of (1) the principal patron of the place, city, or state; (2) the anniversary of the dedication of the place; (3) the titular saint of the place; and (4) the titular and/or the principal patron of an order/congregation/(Ordinariate) are automatically upgraded to Solemnities.

    In practice, I've only ever seen this done with regard to the titular feast day and anniversary of the dedication of a parish, which seems appropriate to me. Though, in the case of the Ordinariate, having a principal patron other than the titular saint, both are rightly upgraded.

    That being said, according to the above prescription, where would it stop? Think of the multiplication that could happen.

    I imagine the line should be drawn as far as the jurisdiction (geographical or personal) has a real, special, and commonsensical connection to a feast.

  4. Isn't Our Lady of Walsingham celebrated on 24th September? I remember being rather cross about it, for it displaced the important feast of Our Lady of Ransom, on whose feast I was so happy to have been ordained.

  5. For religious families, the rule is that a canonized founder can be celebrated with a sollemnitas, but a beatified founder only gets a festum (S. Congregatio pro Cultu Divino, Instructio Calendaria particularia, n. 12 a, AAS 62 [1970], 654). I think that by analogy a beatified patron also only gets a festum.

  6. Of course, one of the many things the new Ordinary will have to do is to find some suitable person (who might it be?) who can compile the Proper Calendar of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, so that this calendar can be sent to Rome for approval by the competent dikastery. I should think this would be an interesting job for the right person.

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  8. You may be interested to know that the English-language Ordo for the Order of Malta for 2011 has just been published online here: http://saintjohnofjerusalem.blogspot.com/2011/01/new-ordo-available.html . A version adding the saints for the US will be available soon.

    It is apropos, because our founder is a Blessed, Bl. Gerard. His feast, celebrated 13 OCT, is of the Second Class. I presume under the rules for the EF, Bl. John Henry would be similarly classed. (A good lesson to get off our duffs and work for his canonization. Pray for a miracle!)

  9. Feasts of Patronal Saints often get a proper Preface, these days - the Dominicans have such for a number of their main worthies.

    I don't suppose, Fr H., that you could knock up a Preface for Bl John Henry?
