14 January 2024

A Day the Devil Hates

January 15 is the Anniversary of the Erection of the Three Ordinariates. 

What commemoration, however, to select? Thanksgiving, of course!! 

And for Thanksgiving, the Missale Romanum advises a votive of either The Most Holy Trinity or the Holy Spirit or Blessed Mary the Virgin or Any Canonised Saint; with the Collect, Secret, and Postcommunion added (under One Conclusion) which are printed right at the end of the Votive Masses section of the Missal.

It might naturally occur to reverend Fathers to offer a Votive of our Blessed Lady or of her Holy House; or of S John Henry Newman. It seems, however, to me that a Votive of the Holy and Undivided Trinity has a lot to be said for it. This Mass was habitually used (before the cataclysm) on occasions of great Thanksgiving. If you want a more delicate reason, here is one: The Collect is the one provided in Anglican liturgical books since 1549, even in Common Worship; so it could in itself be seen as a sign or prolepsis of Unity.

Additionally ... S John Henry held a very high opinion of the Quicunque vult, otherwise known as the Athanasian Creed. He described it as "The most simple and sublime, the most devotional formulary to which Christianity has given birth." Whether included as an element in the Divine Office, or used as a stand-alone devotion, it is difficult to think of anything more suitable.  

1549 ordered that it shalbe song or sayd ... It would be immensely jolly to hear it chanted coram Sanctissimo at Solemn Benediction.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Father, it is you who introduced me to the Athanasian Creed.
