5 November 2023

Please ...

 I have recently been suffering rather from my malady, and intermittently falling over. 

Please pray for me; and be generous if I am rather backward in enabling comments, or responding to emails.

Thank you.

John Hunwicke


  1. Father, you are the teacher I never had in the course of my deficient formal education. I've been praying for you through the intercession of St. Roch.

  2. Please rest and get well soon Father! God bless you.🙏

  3. I am praying for a restoration of your health if God so wills. We need you, good Father.

  4. Father,
    I, too, have been afflicted with falling. First, protect your head. Secondly, find a to get up safely.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  5. Dear Father Hunwicke

    My wife and I will certainly praying for a quick and complete recovery from your “malady”. It is our custom every Sunday morning, after breakfast and before Mass to read your postings for the previous week. We enjoy them immensely and are certainly edified. Thank you for all the effort you put into your articles.

    We live near Victoria, British Columbia, and are canonical members of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. We are blessed to have an Ordinariate quasi parish in Victoria where we attend almost daily.

    Again, we will pray earnestly for your health. We are both octogenarians, so we can sympathize deeply.

    In Domino et Domina,

    Bernard and Janice McCabe

  6. I don’t even know you, but you mean so much to me. May the Lord comfort you in your affliction.

  7. God bless you, Father Hunwicke.

  8. Father, praying for your health. I've learned so much from your blog, it is a highlight of my day.

  9. Dear Fr John, you will be in my prayers.

  10. God bless you dear Father and give you health and strength to contiue the good fight for the defence of Catholic Tradition in this time of "silent apostasy"! Robert Hugh
    (Rev RH Bellwood IC)

  11. God bless you dear Father and give you health and strength to contiue the good fight for the defence of Catholic Tradition in this time of "silent apostasy"! Robert Hugh
    (Rev RH Bellwood IC)

  12. Father,

    I've followed you daily for something like twelve years. For a few minutes every day, you're part of my life. Be assured you're remembered in my prayer more than that.

    As Ven. Fulton Sheen used to say, God love, and Mary keep you.

  13. Brigid you were a voice for the wounded and the weary.
    Strengthen what is weak within us.
    Calm us into a quietness that heals and listens.
    May we grow each day into greater
    wholeness in mind, body and spirit.

  14. Check your amounts of Vitamin B6 if you are falling a lot, as accidental overdose can hurt the leg nerves.

    (And too small amounts of all sorts of vitamins can be bad for people also. But my dad got hurt with the too much B6 thing, as his doctors were not keeping count.)

    Also check if you are doing the "drop step" thing.

    If in doubt, speak softly and carry a big stick!!!

