23 December 2022

A Favour??

Before the Ordinariates, an earlier attempt to secure a corporate solution for Anglicans seeking unity with the Holy See was scuppered by the English Catholic bishops. The Revd Dr William Oddie wrote an account of those shenanigans.

I think it was called THE ROMAN OPTION.

I have never read it. If anybody has a copy they are prepared to part with, I culd be a grateful recipient. 


  1. As I understand it, the response of the Catholic bishops was by no means uniform. Was it not Cardinal Hume, that good man, who said "this could be the conversion of England for which we have prayed all these years"?

  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/142854552700?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338268676&toolid=10044&customid=Cj0KCQiAwJWdBhCYARIsAJc4idC7KJtKhLhPo-akLNENZ-5PTKDgzzUvy9JoSUFyX0wDJoDGZEqIYUkaAntNEALw_wcB
    This seems to be the cheapest 2nd hand copy.

  3. Simon Cotton: Yes, and he backed down with the greatest rapidity as soon as his “partners in ecumenical dialogue” indicated their displeasure with his sentiments.

  4. It is available from the Internet Archive, if you can stand reading it on a screen: https://archive.org/details/romanoptioncrisi0000oddi

  5. Yes, I think that Cardinal Hume (see comment from Simon Cotton)said that in a BBC radio 4 interview the night of the vote on ordination of women. I think it slipped out and he then altered it and regretted it, realising how it had gone against the whole Newchurch thinking.

  6. I have a copy somewhere - I will seek it out. Will you be at the Ordinariate Plenary on Jan 26th?
    Simon Chinery

  7. Dear Father,

    I reviewed the book in Touchstone in 1999. You may find the review here:



  8. I am catching up with your blog, Father, beause I had an accident on 17th December, spent Christmas in hospital, and am now only just getting back to some degree of normality. Consequently, I suspect my contribution may be far too late. However, if you have not obtained a hard copy of "The Roman Option", and you would still like one, there is a used copy, said to be in good condition, for £2.63 (inc. P&P) on AbeBooks: https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/SearchResults?sts=t&cm_sp=SearchF-_-home-_-Results&tn=The%20Roman%20Option
