8 November 2022


Fr Ker's demise, naturally, pushes S John Henry's importance to the front of our mind. And the most important Unfinished Business is, surely, the question of his proclamation as Doctor of the Church.

I hope ... I pray ... that this aim will be given the same enthusism and priority as were the beatification and canonisations themselves.



  1. Would he be the first convert thus elevated?

  2. One the one hand, this seems an obvious thing to do, after due consideration of course.

    On the other, I'm "thinking Vetus-Ordo", and "Doctor in the Church", while it is now a title of eminent teaching sense, its origins is a specific Office and Mass; and I think on the happy day when we can celebrate newer saints not only with generic votive-Masses and votive Offices (the CDF did give us that in March 2020, and it was great), but with their own offices...

    well, I think there could be found choices yet more fitting to St. John Henry's personality could be found than again "insta opportune importune" and "vos estis sal terrae", important though both texts are.
