27 June 2022

A Decade

 Today is ten years since I was admitted to the Presbyterate of the Ordinariate; on the feast of our Blessed Lady of Perpetual Succour. Bishop William Kenney officiated, at his request, which gave me great pleasure. His lordship is titular bishop of Midica, in North Africa, at one time a bit of a hot spot of Donatism. But not now. Heresies come, heresies go, as heresies ever will.

Aware that I have a secret preference for Latin Liturgy, he kindly decreed that the Canon Romanus, in Latin, was to be used. Ad multos annos Domine! Plurimosque annos!

The following day, by the kind permission of the Provost, I celebrated my First Mass in Full Communion with the See of S Peter, at that fabulous pietra dura Lady Altar in the Brompton Oratory. (It began life in the Dominican Church, now demolished, in Brescia.) I was very aware, as I did so, of the statue of the  Dominican Pope S Pius V, standing there beside our Lady. Since then, a dignified altar to S John Henry Newman has popped up beside S Pius. Did you hear me just now shout Dottore pronto?

By a happy coincidence, Ss Pius and John Henry both used an Authentic Roman Rite!  So do I!!

I hope that our Blessed Lady, and S John Henry, and S Pius, and my Holy Readers, will pray for this unworthy presbyter.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Father! Ad multis annos. I'll happily pray for you.

  2. Ad multos annos Father! May Our Lady keep you safe Always!

  3. Dear Reverend Fr. Hunwicke.

    Many congratulations on your tenth anniversary.

    Thank You for your Priestly life and authoritative teaching.

    Deo Gratias.

    Ad Multos Annos.

  4. Felicitationes, reverende domne! Oremus pro invicem.

  5. Know, dear Father, that you are in my prayers on this very happy anniversary. The Church is very blessed with your apostolate.

  6. Congratulations Father. Thank you you for everything.


  7. Very many congratulations and thanks for your wonderfully stimulating online ministry

  8. God grant you many years dear Fr. H!

  9. Many congratulations, Father. Your daily thoughts, comments, teaching and reflections are a shot in the arm during these trying times. You probably don’t know how much good you do, but many of us benefit massively from them. Many thanks

  10. Happy anniversary, Father. It is still difficult to take on board the magnitude, and the theological and pastoral significance, of Pope Benedict 's generous action. I speak as one who had previously crossed the Tiber, but is now fortunate enough to attend Divine Worship most weeks.

  11. My thanks to you and your fellows, Fr., for your action.

  12. Oh dear Father, now you've publicly given away your 'secret preference for the Latin liturgy' - it may soon be a secret no longer! :-)
    Ad multos annos!

  13. Happy anniversary, Father. Ad multos annos! May Our Lady protect your vocation.
