23 February 2022


 The Superior of the SSPX, Fr Pagliarani, has recently been to see PF. No report, I think, has appeared of this meeting. But on 15 January Father gave an address in Paris, provided by Dr Moynihan in translation.

The only criticism of his words that I now make is that he speaks as if the Tridentine Mass were the only Catholic Rite. This has never beeen true. There are the Oriental rites. And, even in the Latin West, there are the Dominicans ... the Mediolanese ...

But, in my view, the following section of his address is crucially important; and needs to be taken seriously. 

"There is one last thing that the Society must obtain, and this is crucial. We want the Mass, not only for ourselves, but we want it for the Universal Church. We do not want simply a side altar in the Church. Nor do we want the right to enter with our banner into an amphitheatre where everything else is permitted. Certainly not!

"We want this Mass for ourselves and at the same time for everyone. It is not a little privilege that we want. This Mass is a right for us and for all souls, without exception. This is how the SSPX is, and will continue to be, an active part of the Catholic Church. That is because it aims at the good of the Church. The Society does not aim at obtaining a particular privilege. Obviously, Divine Providence will choose the moment, the modalities, the graduality and the circumstances, but as far as we are concerned, we want this Mass and we want it now -- unconditionally and for everyone. 

"And this we want without entering into an overly human perspective that looks for a particular privilege. We do not want to enter into negotiations where we are conceded things bit by bit: to be given a church here, a time for Mass there, the possibility to use the maniple, or the biretta, or the Holy Week liturgy of S Pius X ... Definitely not! We do not want to enter into this scenario.

"Quite simply, we want two things: the Faith and the Mass. We want Catholic doctrine and the Cross that nourish the spiritual life and moral life of souls. We want them now, unconditionally, and for everyone ..."


  1. What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed!

  2. What a powerful, unequivocal statement of principle! There is an SSPX church here in Liverpool. I'm tempted....

    1. I encourage you to attend, you will not be disappointed.

  3. I am sure Father Pagliarani does not think that the Tridentine rite is the only rite of the Church, but I do not know how one can avoid that conclusion if one makes the argument that he makes. (To clarify my position just in case: in the ideal scenario, Novus Ordo is abolished, and the best possible "mutual enrichment" just aims at that, only in a gradual way.)

  4. Very pleased to learn that the SSPX seem to have at last seen the light & decided to uphold the Mass of Ages for all Catholics, not just a few selected elite ones that have continuously disregarded the majority whose right it also is, & always has been, to have access to TLM. I genuinely look forward to their Order being represented here in Malaga in the very near future.

  5. This is how a true priest of Christ---and a real man, to boot---thinks and speaks. Daily, we see the magnificent fruits of the vision and work of Marcel Lefebvre (the faults and sins of some of his spiritual sons notwithstanding). What a dangerous (and perfidious) trap Bergoglio put before them a while back---and they resisted the temptation with Christian fortitude. I wonder what the members of the Fraternity of St. Peter are thinking, feeling, now that their future is in the hands of a pontiff who clearly hates them---and their work and Mass even more. There are rumblings from serious people (not from the minority of eccentrics who here and there inhabit the traditional camp) that the regularized traditional orders and institutes are next on the chopping block. I pray the rumblings are groundless; but, knowing the players, I would incline to believe them. I also wonder how crow must taste to the numerous papolators (some who contribute comments to this worthy blog) who until recently (and even now) have hurled the sinful calumny of schism against the great Lefebvre and those who today carry on their work of salvaging what is left of authentic Catholicism. That crow cannot be very tasty.

  6. they have these institutes too much money and the Pope wants it

    1. If it comes down to that, spend every penny on the poor the homeless and feeding unemployed liturgists, and then hand the empty checking accounts over to Pope Francis, Cardinals Parolin, Maradiaga and ex-cardinal Becciu. Transfer property deeds to faithful legal friends. Hide the vestments chalices missals and art in Roman attics as in the days of the English Reformation.Rome wants someone to foot the bill for the cocaine-fueled orgies and private retirement accounts. The SSPX and FSSP shouldn't have to pay those.

  7. A curiosity of traditionalists is the invocation of liberalism to rationalise their preferences. This priest studiously avoids such reasoning. The two sides seems miles apart.

  8. Father, the title misled me, I had a little stroke before I noticed the title reflects Father's statement. I was really hopeful it would be from PF, but alas...

  9. 1965 was the first edition of the Missale Romanum which came any where near meeting what the Council of Trent asked for. The curial missal never took the pastoral approach which Session XXII demanded "lest he hungry sheep look up and are not fed".

  10. God bless the SSPX! Thank you Father for your bold and courageous words.
