30 January 2022


 I have just heard ... and seen ... Her Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs say, on the Beeb, that we shall support "our Baltic Allies across the Black Sea".

I am not sure that ... for example ... the Marquess of Salisbury would have allowed himself this sort of geopolitical ... er ... oversimplification ...


  1. And here is a source quoting Secretary Truss:

    "“We’re also supplying and offering extra support into our Baltic allies across the Black Sea, as well as supplying the Ukrainians with defensive weapons."


  2. How very restrained of you Fr.

    Maybe she meant that 'we' would fire missiles from one of our Black Sea warships - on periodic mission to annoy the Russians - across Ukraine and Belarus to defend Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania should the wicked Russkies attack them; such would be consonant with the geo-strategic-military ignorance of our latter-day political class generally. More likely - and consistent with the majority of Westerners these days - she has difficuly locating any of the countries she evinces such concern for on a map.

  3. Come now Father are you not being pedantic?

    The Foreign Secretary (aka 'Poundland Maggie', 'Call me Ma'am' & 'Gloriana') at least knows there are two seas beginning with the letter 'B' and, to be fair both the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea have associations with Russia. Now is she had said Bering Sea..

    I would take some comfort with this display of geographical knowledge. The previous incumbent in her role didn't know Dover was a port and a significant one at that.

  4. Ignorance seems to reign. Other media outlets have quoted her verbatim but none have picked up that the Foreign Secretary's knowledge of European geography leaves a lot to be desired.

  5. Conversational stumbles happen and for most of us are confined to a small numbe of witnesses. Politicians are expected to respond on air. Thank goodness a thick skin is an occupational necessity.

  6. On a quite different note, a very happy Charles, K&M day.

    Is he in the Ordinariate service books?

    I would have thought it a great ecumenical gesture after the Week of Prayer for Church Unity, if he (& Comps?) was put in the Roman Martyrology. And whilst we await those more enlightened times, I hope that there are some parsons in the Ordinariate still tottering up to the north end to celebrate his passing to that incorruptible and undisturbed crown.

  7. I always get mixed up between the Baltic and the Balkans. But I'm not the Foreign Secretary so it never really becomes as issue.

  8. Even more alarmingly, the mad idea that we could (let alone should) defend Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia from any Russian incursions is one that the Foreign Office should be anxious to avoid. That alone would make Lord Salisbury's long beard quiver with horror.

  9. IanW, true, we're all human, but when you're talking about starting a war with the largest county in the world (which also happens to be solidifying an alliance with the most populous and largest economy in the world), you do start to wonder if these people are really all that competent.
