28 June 2021

Woke Fens

 The admirable and indefatigable Professor Tighe has drawn attention to


Frankly, whenever I walk the streets of Oxford and see 'the Diversity Flag', flying over a college, I recollect that this is what it must have been like when, in countries defeated by Nazi Germany, one had to behold the swastika fluttering from the flagpoles.

My city ... my University ... are no longer mine. 

And They are determined that I should know this.


  1. It's why I always make the Sign of the Cross every time I see one.

  2. Hello Father,

    I hope your sight is getting better and that there will be no lasting damage.


  3. We have one of these in a colleague's classroom.. in a Catholic school in Edinvurgh

  4. My city ... my University ... are no longer mine.

    Your country is no longer yours. You have allowed masses of resentful Third Worlders to invade it under the guise of migrants and refugees, promoting the lie that "anyone" can be British and crushing anyone who protests it as a "racist".

    And your Church has aided and abetted it.

    This is the inevitable outcome.

    PS These people are not Nazis, they are Bolsheviks.

  5. The priest celebrates Mass attired in rainbow vestments... The altar is draped with rainbow cloths....liturgical dancers prance interminably.....unrepentant abortion promoters, fornicators, adulterers, fraudsters, unbelievers, present themselves to receive Holy Communion
    and are accommodated.... this Church is no longer our Lord's. The demons know it, and are determined that we know it.

  6. Much as one might reasonably hold that there are problems attendant upon immigration in indigestibly large chunks, pace OreamnosAmericanus, one can hardly attribute to 3rd world immigrants the prevalence of "la lobby gay", to which most of them are themselves notably inimical. As to "these people" being Bolsheviks rather than Nazis, I'm inclined to agree (depending on who precisely "they" are), but this hardly counts against Father's rather apt simile.

  7. and then there's 'PF' writing encouraging letters to James Martin, SJ... one could not make it up...

  8. "My city ... my University ... are no longer mine. And They are determined that I should know this."

    Anthony Esolen, a translator of Dante, describes America in similar terms: "I hardly know my own land. It has become a far country, and what do the citizens get for it? We have wished our fathers were dead, that is, forgotten, delivered over to condemnation or indifference. We have progressed beyond them. Though they were sinners too, they did bequeath to us great political and moral wealth, quite aside from a heritage of art, music, and letters; we have mostly squandered it or left it to rot...

    "It is a sad and sullen land. I can see it in the youth, who view the members of the other sex as largely selfish and not to be trusted—nor are they entirely wrong about that; so no one marries, and a street once merry with the shouts of children is now mostly dead still, each house a cell of isolation. Secular people shrug when they see an empty church, not understanding that if you do not have songs of praise, you will soon have no songs at all. No one seeks out the word of God to correct us rather than to condone; no one holds as sacred the wisdom of our admittedly imperfect fathers, expressed in noble words. There is no poetry in the soul, but there is graffiti on the walls and the statues, and on our bodies too."


  9. "The priest celebrates mass in rainbow vestments...The alter is draped with rainbow cloths...."

    Whatever the rainbow is intended to signify in these uses, it is surely useful to recall that the sign of the rainbow is given for our comfort at the end of the story of Noah, assuring us that God will not destroy mankind for its manifest sins and violence.

    And when I ponder that my city, my university are no longer mine, I reach the unexpected conclusion that in fact they never were, and that they surely ought never to have been.

  10. Those familiar with this admirable blog can, nevertheless, count on Mr. Rick Allen coming to a nuanced defense of leftist perversity---and without a shred of logic to boot.
