24 February 2020

Orate ...

I understand that Dr Geoffrey Kirk, priest, scholar, most consummate English satirist since the demise of Ronald Knox, is rather under the weather. Possibly, some readers will be able to spare him a Mass, a Rosary ...


  1. Fr.H thank you for the alert. Rosaries it is then for the good Doctor. I do believe that I have become addicted to his Ignatius blog. Oh happy fault.

  2. Thank you Father for this intelligence. I had been wondering, as Dr Kirk's witty pen has lain dormant since mid-December. I shall offer the Holy Rosary for him today, and add him to my list of 'malati' which I lay daily before Saint John-Henry. Hopefully someone will report this message to him if he is up to receiving it.

  3. Geoffrey Kirk's Without Precedent: Scripture, Tradition, and the Ordination of Women (2016) is a great reference: a case-study in the search for authority. Part of it is adapted from his contribution to Consecrated Women? (2004) which also has contributions from other very distinguished and thoughtful writers.

    I thought of Dr Kirk the other day when I found in the Library a copy of a Protestant Truth Society-type publication called The Roman Mass in the English Church: Illegal Services described by Eyewitnesses (1899) in which I read a "mystery worshipper" report from St Stephens Lewisham. Some of the reports in this book reminded me of Dix's alleged crustacean on the altar !

  4. Remembrance during (he holy Rosary.

  5. Not only will I say a rosary for your friend but I will say that rosary in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
