1 January 2020

Greetings; and ...

I am very grateful to those who have sent me greetings ... and cards. I will say Mass for all of you and I thank you for your kindness; I reciprocate your good wishes. All of you!!

At the same time, can I beg you to pray for the suffering people of South East Australia; for the repose of the departed; health for the injured; comfort for those who have been bereaved or have had to stand and watch their homes, their livelihoods, burning. And remember the firefighters, bravely risking their lives and sometimes losing them.

There are parts of the world where fires are fairly routine and one gets accustomed to the news. But it is quite clear that what is now happening in Australia is of a quite exceptional order of sheer horror. It is not some ordinary seasonal event. We owe these poor people the fellowship of our prayer. Masses and Rosaries, in particular.

Our Lady Help of Christians is the Patron of Australia (Mass in appropriate missals on May 24).


  1. Dear Father, thank you for your expressed concern about the bushfires currently ravaging my beloved country - so many dead or injured, so many houses and businesses lost, so much suffering. It is always heartening when one hears that the sufferings of one's country have been noticed and that we are supported by your prayers.

  2. We received an alert from the Country Fire Authority that the wind would change and burn our rural property. It didn't.

    Thank you again for your prayers.

  3. Thankyou for your prayers for victins of the Australian Bushfires which are still burning May I ask a small favour would you include in your mass intention prayers for the souls of 3 men, Geoffrey Keaton, Andrew O'Dwyer and Samuel McPaul All three were Volunteer Firefighters, relatively young both with children under 3yo The first 2 who died in the same incident when their truck hit a falling tree obscured by the smoke and rolled, the 3rd was killed when a firestorm flipped the truck over These incidents occurred in NSW at Christmas I am in South Australia a long way away My interest is I am 75 and well retired from Vol Firefighting, My daughter is still an active Vol Firefighter she and husband are parents to our young grandchildren 7 & 9. So these kinds of deaths could hit our family at any time Our Ordinariate Chapel of Sts George & MIchael in Adelaide have adopted this prayer intention for January
