2 September 2018

V is for ...

A distinguished brother priest has sent me a picture of Churchill giving his "V for Victory" sign, together with a suggestion that V stands both for Victory and for Vigano.

This simple gesture could be used at Papal Public Audiences, Diocesan synods, Deanery meetings; whenever a speaker (or homilist) says something implicitly critical of Archbishop Vigano ...


  1. Maybe it will become time to fish or cut bait. What the PF crowd may come up with is a loyalty pledge, to be read at all masses...like Cupich came up with this Sunday...either you are with the holy father and the holy spirit that animates him, or you are a rigid pharisee and non believer. For all Bishops and priests this will be mandatory. They can then detect and eliminate all dissenters. (God forbid).

  2. Might we not cheer ourselves a little, in this dark hour, by reading the poem of the good H Belloc: Matilda, who told lies and was burned to death.

  3. V is a respectful way to resist this peter. My idea of tacit dissent from the regime is to bring an adequate length of Velcro and letting it rip at key moments. The Pharisees used their garments, these are modern times.

  4. The "V" for Vigano sign is an excellent idea. It would constitute a new weapons system which the laity could use in this battle for Holy Mother Church.

  5. I am beginning to think that seminaries, dioceses, convents, schools, monasteries, even the Vatican, would do well to have some kind of lay review board involved in reviewing all cases. This would free clerics from the charge of being a part of some sort of "velvet mafia" enforcing a canonically and scripturally forbidden culture through misuse of power. Are not insurance companies going to insist on much the same thing?

  6. ABS has been trying to convince Jessie Jackson to appear in Saint Peter's Square chanting,

    Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho,
    Vigano is right. Francis must go

    but the Rev. ain't responding to the email.

    Hmmm, maybe Al Sharpton...
