30 March 2018

Good Friday

I made a resolution to steer clear of 'Church Politics', that is to say, controversial matters, during Holy Week. It is not easy under this pontificate, because there are such daily provocations. My resolution slipped yesterday afternoon. I think that was a misjudgement.

Now, I wake up on Good Friday morning to the secular media breaking a 'story' that PF has said that Hell does not exist.

I am not interested in explanations and denials and all about Scalfari. The fact is that the Media are spreading this. This is what people will remember.

That is the incontrovertible fact.

Today is Good Friday.

Is there no more worthy 'story' that PF, with his status, his charisma, his media advisers, his conviction that he is the voice of the Holy Spirit, could have thrust into the public domain  ... on Good Friday morning?

The Evil One immediately put into my mind the phrase "This is a maniac out of control". I know it was the Evil One because I cannot see into PF's heart. And, if I could, it would not be for me to judge him. Get thee behind me, Satan. I mean this with all my heart.

But there is an objective term referring, not to silly fevered over-reactions on my part or yours, but to reality in a real world.


I shall not enable any comments. I suggest that you and I go away and pray and, during the Liturgy, make a special intention for PF; that he may be the pope whom the Sacred Heart of Jesus means him to be.

1 comment:

  1. “I am not interested in explanations and denials and all about Scalfari. The fact is that the Media are spreading this. This is what people will remember.“

    This report, and that reaction to it, is grossly unfair to the Holy Father. Or does it not matter that the Vicar of Christ has been defamed and slandered ? How can a Catholic tolerate attacks on Christ’s Vicar ? (Yes, some of us are Ultramontanes, and have no intention of apologising for it.)

    Everyone has a right to his good name - even if he is only a Pope. Even if he is Pope Francis.

    To blame the Pope for the lies told about him, lies that can called so because there is ample proof that they are lies, is appalling :(
