3 February 2018

Weinsteins and things

A colleague once informed me "You are so contrab****ydictory?" Perhaps I am. But I am getting ... well, restless about the hunt going on for men who have 'assaulted' women. In this country, we have reached the stage where "He fleetingly touched my knee" may be enought to do for a politician's career. Apart from anything else, this is surely an insult to women and girls who actually have been horribly abused.

And if some bimbo does get a job in showbiz or whatever by accommodating the sexual incontinence of some impresario or whatever, which of the two is 'the victim'? Especially if she morally initiated the commercium by her behaviour, words, or immodest dress? But the feminist fascists have got it all set up so that a woman is 'entitled' to dress and behave as provocatively as she wishes and woe betide any male who draws any conclusion. These are narrow times for those who dare to make any semiological inferences based upon non-verbal data; narrower, I suspect, than any other periods in human civilisation. Not least because in earlier times relations between the sexes were at least notionally under the control of conventions either formal or informal.

Any suggestion that a woman should conduct herself with normal human prudence and plain common sense is now deeply, profoundly, Politically Incorrect.

Perhaps we need a statute outlawing both the buying and selling of sex, and including a definition of constructive prostitution, whereby the securing or bestowing of non-financial advantages by a sexual exchange is also criminalised.

Perhaps that would enable us to lock up all the Dirty Old Men and all the Dirty Young Women. Perhaps they could all be incarcerated together, each DOM in the same cell as his DYW, and left to get on with their rabid symbiotic impurities until they all fell down dead from exhaustion.


  1. I remember is some corporate training for management we were told we couldn't infer anything about a person from their behaviour; then, in another training, we were told we could in the case of customers...

  2. If I leave my bike unlocked in the middle of town, no-one would deny that I had been imprudent in leading someone into the temptation to steal. But for some reason, not everyone sees the imprudence of a woman leading men into the temptation of lust by her immodest dress.

  3. Dear Father. Great last paragraph. Kudos

  4. as Germaine Greer just said, "once you v'e opened ypur legs you v'e consented

  5. Oooooh! There are dirty old and young people all over the place. Watch out, and when necessary, step over them.
    Jim of Olym

  6. Ha! I tried to post this on my FB page and it was summarily and immediately blocked and deleted. It looks like FB can't stand modesty and chastity.

  7. In her novel the dispossesed the
    ( dustictly feminist) author Ursula P leguin coins in the mouths of the characters a selfexplanatory phrase for a certain type of woman the opposite of a rape victim sleeping her way to what she wants: body profiteer.
    It could catch on.
