26 February 2018

The Revd Prebendary MICHAEL MORETON

A book finished by Fr Moreton around 1995 but hitherto unpublished is now available online
https://henrybradshawsociety.org/publications/online/From Jerusalem to Rome


  1. This link works better:


    it leads to a downloadable pdf.

  2. Fr. Hunwicke,

    The link you provided appears broken. However, here is a working link: https://henrybradshawsociety.org/publications/from-jerusalem-to-rome/

  3. I learned about this manuscript many years ago and feared it had ended up in a black bin-liner. All who have adhered to traditionalist liturgy admired Michael Moreton and placed him along with Geoffrey Willis among its greatest defenders against the barbarians. We all indeed grateful to his son for making this work available and to you for telling us of its existence. Robin Davies

  4. Many thanks for the link. Should not the first question in the extract from the Bobbio Missal on p 138 begin 'Does he believe...?' and not as printed 'Dost thou...?'?
