27 December 2017

Fr H's Vaticinia for 2017 UPDATED

UPDATE I offered these prophecies on January 1 this year (2017).

I don't think I got it terribly wrong, did I?

I offer them again for the coming year, 2018.

Our Holy Father will open his mouth when it would become him to keep it shut, and keep it shut when it would become him to open it. Thus he will maintain and continue, by the exercise of that sovereign will with which he is always free to act, the Suspense of his Petrine Magisterium (I use this term strictly in the sense made clear by Blessed John Henry Newman and not otherwise).

Our Holy Father will provide further proofs of the truth of an observation made in 1944 by the late, great Anglican Benedictine mystagogue, Dom Gregory Dix (1901-1952).
"Old men in a hurry to realise their dearest dreams can be very short-sighted."

Mary's Immaculate Heart will prevail. Never forget that this is Fatima Year

UPDATE for 2018: Perhaps I will add that the CBCEW will still fail to reach a common mind on Amoris laetitia. And that Cardinal Burke will return to the questions posed in the Dubia.

1 comment:

  1. What will "2018" bring, Father? I have an intention for which I pray and shall continue to pray daily:

    "...Orate autem ut non fiat fuga vestra in hieme, vel sabbato..." Matthew 24:20
