27 February 2017


(a) Have you got your spectacular Clement XIV (Papa Ganganelli) mug from Fr Zed (see his blog)? Every Catholic of real 'Discernment' should have one! Offering guests their coffee in a Clement XIV mug will become a sort of secret 'quasi-masonic' way of Discerning who is 'sound'. (Another method, if you still attend the Novus Ordo, would be to murmur 'Ganganelli' as you exchange the Grope of Peace.)

(b) Talking about 'Discernment': have you read Dr Geoffrey (Patrimony) Kirk about this subject, on his Ignatius his conclave blog (alias GKIRKUK)? Dr K is either Brilliant or Megabrilliant. This recent post is a Mega example of the Anglican Catholic tradition of Satire. It's what kept us sane in the C of E when we were being persecuted there. I'm sure we shall never need it for that purpose in the Catholic Church. But read Dr K all the same.

(c) Do you read the top Vaticanista Sandro Magister? His Blog is the Settimo Cielo blog, and offers you the choice of reading articles in Italian, English, or Spanish. The English is well translated. A couple of days ago he had an extremely revealing piece on how Bergoglio's moral teaching was orthodox (i.e. he followed Veritatis Splendor of S John Paul II in condemning the phony ethical theories which spread in the 1960s). Then Bergoglio fell under the spell of the totally dodgy 'Archbishop' Fernandez, who wrote Amoris laetitia for him.


  1. I ordered a stein, to hold a drink to celebrate the end of the Jesuits, when it comes, and to drink to forget what they utter in the meantime. For example: http://magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/2017/02/22/marriage-and-divorce-the-general-of-the-jesuits-jesus-too-must-be-reinterpreted/

  2. Re Magister, he is of course indispensable reading. However, his--to my mind--excessively understated style requires reading between the lines. For example, re his outstanding research on Bergoglio's past public statements, Antonion Socci takes Magister's research, praises it to the skies, and then draws out some of the true significance: Il Doppio Gioco. For English speakers the title may be best translated, with an allusion to WW2 history, as: The Double Cross Game.

    The fact is, from day to day the outrages pile up so fast that it's difficult to keep up. For example, Bergoglio's remarks at an Anglican gathering in Rome drew very few comments, and even those comments, IMO, reflect to a disturbing degree the dulling of theological sensibilities that we find in the post-conciliar Church (there really has been only one council, right?). He appears to be saying that the Eucharist is a gathering of "Christians" to celebrate ... one another! I quote:

    "And when people can not go on Sunday to the Catholic celebration goes to the Anglican Church, and Anglicans go to the Catholic, because they do not want to spend Sunday without a celebration; and work together. And here the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith knows. And do charity together. And the two bishops are friends, and the two communities have been friends.

    "... The young Churches have more creativity; and at the beginning here in Europe was the same: they were trying .... When you read, for example, in the Didache, as it was the Eucharist, the encounter among Christians, there was a great creativity."

  3. @mark wauck I was minded to play a sort of drinking game (post Lent) with the Papa Ganganelli stein, take a drink whenever error was uttered, but I thought better of it. It would be a short road to alcoholism and a distressed liver.

    Papa Bergoglio seems to have an utterly Protestant outlook. Not Calvinist, given his reclining St Joseph, but an outlook completely devoid of a Catholic understanding of the Mass. Perhaps V2 is at fault, although 'Lumen Gentium' affirmed that 'as often as tthe sacrifice of the cross in which Christ was sacrificed, is celebrated on the altar, the work of our redemption is carried on.' The real fault perhaps lies with the [de)formation who received as a Jesuit seminarian. Papa Ganganelli suppressed a Society which was more good than bad (although a mainly Jesuit cauistry was condemned by Innocent XI), now the Jesuits are almost wholly harmful. I'll drink deeply to their suppression.
