29 October 2016

Oh dear

The personel changes at the Congregation for Divine Worship look like very bad news for the heroic figure of its Prefect, Cardinal Sarah. It looks as though some crude revenge is taking place ...

Bishop Alan Hopes, a former Anglican, is the only piece of good news I can see on the new list. But, as a bishop with a large diocese, he will not be able to be often in Rome.

But Bad Marini lives in Rome and has a minuscule job ... Eucharistic Congresses ... quid dicamus ...


  1. Color me utterly unsurprised. Francis is playing to win, and playing for keeps. Just ask anyone who has ever crossed him. Cardinal Burke comes to mind.

  2. Bishop Morerod is also very good news.

  3. Giant sigh. I hope my dear Limerick is good. Hopefully you'll get a look at the ICKSP church in the Crescent.

  4. Lord Jesus son of the living God help us!

  5. The trouble with sidelining someone because he is too closely associated with the policies of the previous pontificate is that you never know what is going to happen at the next conclave. There is the delicious story of how, when Cardinal Merry del Val (Pius X’s Secretary of State) knelt to kiss the ring of the newly elected Benedict XV (who had been a protégé of Leo XIII’s Secretary of State Rampolla), the pontiff leaned over and whispered in his ear: “The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” Merry del Val is said to have had the presence of mind to respond “It is the Lord’s doing and is marvellous in our eyes.”

    I hope the Holy Father has many years ahead of him, but I shall be watching the outcome of the next conclave with more than usual interest.

    1. I am a complete idiot and have no idea what that exchange means. Can you explain it?

  6. Nevertheless, Pope Francis did leave Cardinal Sarah in situ. Who knows what this very holy man, with the help of God, might yet achieve with his new subordinates?

  7. More good news: Bishop Serratelli of Paterson, NJ. He celebrates the TLM annually for the confirmations at the FSSP parish of Our Lady of Fatima Chapel in Pequannock, NJ.
