29 August 2016

Metropolitan Hilarion

The Moynihan Report (my thanks to Professor Tighe) has a fascinating interview with many people's  favourite Orthodox, Metropolitan Hilarion, which I would recommend to anyone and everyone. Longish; but never boring.

His account of 'modern biblical scholarship' is bang on; this is how he concludes his own demolition of that farrago of superannuated nonsense: "This, in my view, absurd and blasphemous approach to the Gospel now almost dominates Western New Testament scholarship".

And what a very 'Oxford' man the Metropolitan is (DPhil Oxon). In the interview you will meet Timothy Ware (aka Metropolitan Kallistos), and the superb Sebastian Brock, "the best specialist in Syrian literature in the world". Would anybody, except Sebastian, dispute that verdict?

How jolly ... to soak himself in the Eastern Fathers, Hilarion went to Oxford and sat at the feet of Anglo-Catholic or ex-Anglican scholars! Is he to be categorised as yet another product of what Manning so bitterly but so beautifully called "the old Anglican, patristic, literary, Oxford tone"?

More prosaically: Hilarion has a very simple but wonderfully good piece of advice on how to learn a language. He should have patented it.


  1. The interview is at www.pravmir.com/metropolitan-hilarion-owe-everything-life-church

  2. Link please.

  3. He seems certain to be the next Patriarch, if present trends continue.

  4. The same also applies to other areas such as Didache scholarship, since it relies so heavily on Scriptural studies. Imagine the Lord not giving us the words of institution and the baptismal formula. Yet that is what they tell us, failing to read baptism “in the name of Jesus” as being distinguished from that “in the name of John,” whose decollation is marked today. It has massive implications, since the Ascension and the Johannine comma are the only parts of Scripture which explicitly reveal the Trinity, the latter doing so even more strongly, and both have essentially been exiled from the Greek.

  5. Re: language learning
    An ex-spiritual director of mine in my Anglican days (he was then a vicar and is now a retired bishop in Wales) had a parishioner and choirman who had grown up in Armenia in the days of the Soviet Union and had taught himself English using the Armenian Bible and the Authorised Version. Apparently, he spoke almost without an accent, but odd turns of phrase kept slipping out ...

    I occasionally keep my Italian in trim by saying the Office in it (modern Ambrosian rite). I am thinking of adopting the same approach to brushing up my Latin and have a Latin/French monastic diurnal (cheaper than the English one) which might be getting quite a bit of use once I've figured out how it all works.

  6. "– I studied foreign languages using the Gospel. I always began with the Gospel of John. It is the most convenient Gospel for learning words, they are repeated constantly: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, the same was in the beginning with God.” Experts say that the vocabulary of the Gospel of John is half of that of the other Gospels, although in volume it is no less than the others. This lexical laconicism is connected to the fact that many of the words are repeated."

    C. S. Lewis recommended Acts in Jerome's Vulgate as a good intro to Latin.

    I used his Narniad as a good intro to English AND started to make some headway in Polish with the Magician's Nephew too.

    Excellent advise, even though I had not used the Gospel of St John.
