16 December 2015

The Synodal report ...

 ... having, at very long last, officially appeared in English (not, incidentally, the natural English of an Anglophone) has received some approval. I really can't see much wrong with it at all ... er ... except that I can't find any affirmation of the principle of the Church's Magisterium that adulterers need to refrain from Holy Communion (Familiaris consortio [1981] para 84; Sacramentum Caritatis [2007] para 29).

Perhaps this is time to re-examine the document called the Henotikon [482]. It couldn't be called heretical because of what it said ... but how about what it didn't say at a time when it should have said it?

Was Pope Honorius a heretic? I'm not sure I can remember.

Some people still criticise Venerable Pius XII ... not for being antisemitic, but for lacking in public clarity with regard to the slaughter of millions of Jews ... is that right?

After 1950, would it have been an adequate expression of Catholic orthodoxy to say that our Lady's soul had been assumed into heavenly glory?


  1. I am a quick reader and have read it, and commented elsewhere. All things to all men. 80 in particular is a green light for the Gradualists.

  2. Paragraph 84. has this sentence:

    "Their [the divorced and remarried] participation can be expressed in different ecclesial services which necessarily requires discerning which of the various forms of exclusion, currently practiced in the liturgical, pastoral, educational and institutional framework, can be surpassed".

    This clearly signals possible changes in current discipline, but could mean any number of things - godparents, 'extraordinary ministers', catechists ... and, importantly, it does not (as far as this report is concerned, at least) exclude the possibility of admission to holy communion.

  3. My apologies Father.

    For 80 in my above comment, read 82 and the quote " make clear that the bishop himself in his particular Church, of which he is pastor and head, is the one who renders judgment for the faithful entrusted to him”

    I am disnumerate, sadly!
