1 December 2015

Ordinariate Use (9)

One of the great Anglo-Catholic figures of the first part of the twentieth century (until he entered into Full Communion) was Ronnie Knox, later the Rt Revd Mgr Ronald Arbuthnott Knox M.A. P.A.. He collaborated in the cheeky fun of the Society of SS Peter and Paul. He used to come down to S Thomas's to say Mass in Latin. And he did a superb translation of the Exsultet, for singing at the Easter Vigil.

Yup! You guessed! His translation is in our Missal! All the Patrimony, gathered in so that nothing be lost!


  1. I look forward to learning a lot more about the Ordinariate Use. Especially, I would like to know more about how it marks Septuagesima and the Ember Days, which are missing from the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite (or which only exist in a reduced form in England as the Lent and Harvest Fast Days).

  2. Father, could this translation be found somewhere else besides "your" new Missal? I deem the Exsultet to be one of the most beautiful and moving prayers that has survived all the tumults, and I would dearly love to see this translation by Msgr. Knox.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I bought a copy of Knox's Bible translation a while ago, and while most of it is wondrous stuff (certainly much better than what we get at church...) I'm very underwhelmed by his translation of The Last Gospel. Nothing's perfect, I suppose.

  5. @ Blogger Andreios who said...

    Father, could this translation be found somewhere else besides "your" new Missal?

    Assuming this is Knox's translation of 1911, this is found online in The Anglican Missal at

    And re-appeared in the Church Union's The Order for Holy Week 1957, 1965 (which has some of the clearest and best type-face and musical notation to be seen anywhere since Christopher Plantin!).

    Knox's 1950 translation does not appear to be online apart from this extract Joy for all heaven's angel citizens, joy in the secret council-chambers of God! In praise of this royal Conqueror, let the trumpet sound deliverance. Bathed in that bright sunshine, let earth too rejoice; splendours of the eternal King all about her, nothing of her orb but feels the shadows gone. Joy, too, for the Church, that has yonder flashing rays for her jewels; with the loud acclaim of worshipers let these courts ring again! Brethren well-beloved, by the strange glow of this holy light drawn together, pray you, in my company cry to Almighty God for mercy. His choice, not worth of mine, it was that enrolled me for his minister; may the outpouring of his own light enable me, the high mystery of yonder candle while I set forth.

    Knott's The English Missal 1912, last edn 1958,used a different translation,
    As did the late nineteenth century altar missals produced by various authors.
