19 November 2015

Ordinariate Use (3)

Father wants to squeeze in a Votive in the days left before Advent supervenes? How about the Votive Mass of the Five Wounds of Christ, now appearing translated from the Sarum Missal in the Ordinariate Use? Incredibly popular in Medieval England; the rebels against Henry VIII and Bloody Bess marched under this banner. See earlier posts on this blog ...


  1. Would anyone have the kindness of publishing the text of this votive mass of the Five Wounds? Is it online somewhere?

    Perhaps I could get an indult to use it...

  2. While this is certainly a very interesting source, it surely is not an authentic translation of a liturgical text approved by the Holy See, is it? It would therefore be very wrong to use it in the context of the Holy Sacrifice. What Fr McDonald had in mind was rather the text as it appears in Divine Worship: The Missal. But since this book is copyrighted, I think the only way to get it is by buying the same book.

  3. Yes, Victor, you are certainly right. I ought to have said that Father might find it interesting and edifying, rather than imply, as I certainly did, that he might actually use the text for Holy Mass.

  4. Dear Fr Hunwicke.

    I am given to understand that, perhaps,
    the Rt Rev Mgr Gordon Read MA, BD, JCL
    Dean of Colchester, Chancellor of the Diocese and Judicial Vicar, LMS Chaplain, could give you the relevant information that you seek.

    St Mary Immaculate and the Holy Archangels, Church Street, Kelvedon, Colchester, Essex. Telephone: 01376 570348.

    in Domino

  5. Dear Zephyrinus

    What information am I seeking? I didn't know I was!!

    John Hunwicke

  6. Dear Fr Hunwicke,

    My Apologies.

    My Comment was respectfully offered in answer to Fr PJM's Comment.

    I incorrectly addressed my contribution to your good self.

    in Domino.

  7. Is the liturgical colour of this Mass red? or perhaps violet?
