19 October 2015


... et ut apparet faceta magistraque scholarum horis suis longis et otiosis (ego quoque puerorum formatoris mores bene cognovi) usa est in contemplando Annales istos Claudianos, quorum partem in suo blogo inseruit lingua Lusitana venuste confectam. 'Rex' ibi 'Lignum' in stagnis morari visus est haec perpetuo iterans "Quaecumque venena in luto latent gignantur et prodeant". Quod iocosa femina ad Patres Synodales et ad Vicarium ipsum Petri referre videtur!!!!! Ecce quae in oppido Margate nuncupato dicuntur! Culpo Parochum qui talia non vetuit, qui neglegentia sua etc.etc..


  1. I have often thought much the same as the 'woman of strength' recently. With the driving seat left apparently open for to them to take charge, they now act openly and arrogantly, crowing of their triumph. They emerge from the slime and take shape in plain sight. But that means it is increasingly clear who they all are. When the enemy shows his hand so publicly, perhaps it becomes easier to conduct the exorcism! Nonetheless, it is the damage done in the meantime that causes such grief. Yet The Lord is still in charge, and his Church cannot be purified without pain and sorrow. It was ever thus.

    (Yes, I know I confessed to being useless at Latin, but I can get the gist and follow an implied link :-)

  2. Alia mulier fortis, immo fortissima, nomine Anca-Maria Cernea, medica Dacoromana, coram patribus synodalibus acroasim fecit, ubi temporum nostrorum ruinas earumque causas scite exposuit. (Nonnulli postea patres synodales visi sunt ingemere et vehementer lacrimari "Minerva nostra" sibi murmurantes.)

  3. My Latin is pretty nonexistent but I gather there is a wee rebuke for my Parish Priest in that there blog post. .. yup. All his fault... ;-)
