5 February 2015

You read it here first!

According to the English Version of the Bollettino, the Holy Father addressed the Catholic bishops of Greece as "Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Episcopate"!!

P.Scr. The Catholic Byzantine Rite Bishop in Greece is called by the Bollettino an "Esarch"! Eparchs and Exarchs I am, of course, familiar with; but Esarch ...

English readers will know of the incident back in the nineteenth century when a typesetter at the Times newspaper introduced the F-word into a parliamentary report. They never did discover his identity.

In the College Mag at Lancing, where at one point the Common Room included a Sensitive and Animal-loving young woman, some malefactor once interpolated, into a piece listing what she did in her vacations, the phrase "seal-clubbing". He (I think it was a He), also, was never tracked down.

Looks as though Fr Lombardi's office also has a ****** in the woodpile! Long may she flourish!


  1. That's nothing. One time my parish priest referred to "Jesus our brother and sister" and another time I was visiting Ampleforth for the Good Friday Liturgical Action when, in a desperate attempt to avoid the un-pc "men" the prayer for the faithful was read out as "Let us pray for all of *us* who do not believe in God"...

  2. Regrading the "esarch", I presume that the Bolletino you were reading was an English translation from an Italian original, and that an Italian word had been carried over. I don't know the Italian for exarch, but would guess "esarca", since Italian tends to simplify complex consonantal groups, especially if they contain the K-sound. (Examples - espresso, insetto (insect), ittico (pertaining to fish, from the Greek).

  3. Ha-Ha.. Raider Fan hopes nobody insinuates that included amongst them are any daughters of Trent.
