12 October 2014

No Africans, no Married

The great Father Zed points out that the Holy Father's additional appointees to the group that will process the work of the Synod do not include any Africans. What an admirable point. Africa, I have been told, is a big place.

Moreover, they do not include married clergy (or laity). But the Catholic East has very many married clergy.

So do the Ordinariates.

If the Holy Father will only undertake to pay my air fares, I will drop everything and hasten to Rome and take over the Synod for him. I have the qualifications of having been married for 46 years, of not having mislaid my wife, and of having five children; qualifications which are not on the public CVs of any of his appointees. I also possess copies of both Casti connubii and Humanae vitae.

I am keeping my diary empty.

So is my wife.

It would be nice if we could bring the grandchildren along too.

Except perhaps Toby, who s not yet two.


  1. Dear Father

    You are so Very English, the world will be poorer by far when you depart, for the Crossing of the Bar.

    I loved your talk on Saturday at the Oratory and was delighted to finally get the chance to hear you speak.

  2. Forget the pope, we'll gladly pay the airfare! Including Toby ... surely two year-olds have voices of equal value (and arguably decibels) to that of other marginalized groups. Moreover two-year olds actually are marginalized to the grim foyers for most of the mass, now that there are no side altars for their tired parents to lurk in. Heck, in the east he'd not be excluded from communion either.

  3. As the father of a child who is not yet two, I think such a child would make an excellent addition to the Synod. She only reliably says two words: "Mama" and "no." Paired with the half of the sign of the cross that she is able to perform, the first will suffice for a prayer, while the second is surely the one word that needs uttering there.

  4. And no Louise Mensch. Now she would be a vey sound, useful and Catholic contributer

  5. I don't think Toby's contribution should be underestimated. It may well be that breath of fresh air that is needed....

  6. Toby's participation as Speaker of the Lord is extremely important, as the Verbum Incarnatum says Himself:

    Ex ore infantium et lactantium perfecisti laudem!
