3 March 2014

"Blessed GK"? Santo subito! Chesterton MATTERS!!

There is to be a day conference on Chesterton, including input from the Chairman of the American Chesterton Association, and containing information about the state of the cause for GK's Beatification.

It will be in Beaconsfield, Chesterton's home town, and the place where I served my Title (first Curacy). The date is Saturday March 29. I have no idea how to transfer flyers onto my blog, so I will simply give this contact email as a source of information:


and urge those who can make it, and thus support this very important cause, to do their best to go along.


  1. I read The Ballad of the White Horse when I was 14 or 15 and it forever put me off Chesterton.

  2. It had precisely the opposite effect on me.
