25 February 2011


I have deleted a few comments on a recent post because I do not like their tone (some sensible comments also went because they were comments on the ones I didn't like). I shall be doing more of this sort of thing in future.


  1. This is an admirable policy. On my own blog, which is less gentlemanly than yours to begin with, I'm wrestling over a particular commenter whose remarks are sometimes sensible, sometimes merely rude -- and often a mixture of both. I haven't settled on a policy yet.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Fr H, in principle I agree with your approach. But may I request that in those circumstances you make clear that you have taken such action? Otherwise, given the occasional vagaries of the blog software, one may be left in doubt as to whether one's comments have been censored or merely lost somewhere in the ether. (Case in point: a few weeks ago a post of mine – politely and reasonably, as I thought and certainly intended, disagreeing with you – disappeared without trace after a couple of hours. I initially thought, with some disappointment, that you had succumbed to "Fr Z Syndrome" – automatically deleting anything you don't agree with – until a few days later I observed exactly the same thing happen to some comments by people who were in complete, nay fulsome, agreement with you; at which point I concluded that we were probably looking at a technical glitch in both cases. But for a while it left a nasty taste in the mouth – hence my request for clarity on the matter.)
