22 January 2011

POST scriptum

I've had my attention drawn to an interesting post in the blog Eastern Christian Books; which rather bears upon my last post ... and also upon a point I've made several times about the lack of an epiclesis (Byzantine style) in the Roman Canon being a sign of its immense antiquity - and about how questionable it is when "Western Rite Orthodox" (follow Bugnini and) tamper with this august monument to early Christianity.


  1. Thank you, Fr H., for this reference to Eastern Christian Books - but alas! "of buying books there is no end" (to misquote): now I have yet another way to become poor while making others rich...

  2. Although I agree with you completely when it comes to insertion of a Byzantine style invocation in the ancient Roman liturgy, but I also think that this insertion pales in comparison to what was done to the venerable Roman liturgy by its deformation into the novus ordo.

    One can at least say that the Orthodox are doing thus because of a theological issue, at least for them, whilst the attack on the old Latin rite by modernist Catholicism seems to have had no real purpose, at least a theological one. It seems simply to have been done to become relevant to the age.
