6 December 2010


I've often wondered about the etymology of this old English surname. Now I know. Having said an Mass of S Nic in the Old Rite in S Thomas's, I had a phone call from a brother priest whom a sudden call prevented from saying his scheduled 12.00 EF Mass. So I dashed over (ah: another question of philology for you: does the noun 'bination' mean there is a verb 'binare'? so that I could say "cucurri binaturus ad ecclesiam S N ..."?) and found a very nice little congregation awaiting me; not to mention one of the classiest of the late Fr Melrose's Altar Missals. What a pleasure to be invited.

But a quick flip through last Friday's Catholic Herald at the back of the Oratory revealed to me a letter by "Outraged of Tunbridge Wells", infuriated that the Old Rite is spreading like wildfire among Anglicans too, and attacking me personally for saying Latin Masses. I presume it must be from some Liberal RC. When will these people get it straight that the Sovereign Pontiff has laid down that any priest of the Latin Rite can say the "EF" whenever he wishes?

I hope nobody tells the poor chap or chappess that every academic term which starts at Oxford is marked by a Latin celebration.


  1. But that is a Latin version of the Prayer Book, correct?

  2. Did you travel, like Father Twisaday, by tricycle?

  3. Volare, oh oh oh oh!
    Binare, oh oh oh oh!

  4. Ego volo binare Missam?

  5. Oops!

    Ego volo binare Missas.

    It would be better still in Sanskrit, which has the dual.

  6. Of course, Fr H., as we may hope, whenas the Ordinariate is up and running, you may have to grow familiar with a necessary practice of Catholic priests: trination on Sundays.

    Ego volo trinare Missas?

  7. Why would you celebrate anything but the old mass!
