20 November 2010


How good it is to see movement. I wonder what liturgical formulae ... Votive Masses, Novenas, Pilgrimages ... are appropriate at just this moment?


  1. Perhaps a good old-fashioned Te Deum?

    I've also been wondering about the Canon in an Ordinariate church. Who would go in after "famulo tuo Papa nostro Benedicto"? If the Ordinary were a bishop, presumably he. If not, nobody? Or the diocesan?

  2. Fr H., be assured, from near the antipodes, that prayers go up night and day for the success of this fraught yet happy enterprise.

    Opening the altar missal for to find something apt, my eyes fell upon the Missa pro peregrinantibus et iter agentibus... I recall one of the PEV's said something about being on a journey somewhere; and this Votive seems in some passages startlingly applicable (one hopes the reception provided by the Catholic bishops of England and Wales will not, please God, require you to follow the Lord's command to shake the dust from your feet!), and the collect Adesto Domine is rendered very expansively and beautifully in the Prayer Book:

    Assist us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplications and prayers, and dispose the way of thy servants towards the attainment of everlasting salvation; that, among all the changes and chances of this mortal life, they may ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  3. Enrico, as the ordinary in the Ordinariates is a vicar of the Pope himself, it would seem that the custom to follow would be the same as in other vicariates apostolic: which I believe do not have their names inserted in the Canon.

  4. A votive Mass of S. Hilda or S. Wilfrid, perhaps, both strong romanisers with a desire to anchor the English church to the rock of S. Peter.

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