21 May 2010

Bl John Henry Newman

An appeal to those In the Know and who Have Connections. Someone will be/already has finished composing propers for John Henry Newman; to be used at and after his Beatification. I hope they will be composed in Latin (in this day and age, in fact, they ought to be composed simultaneously in both [the most relevant] vernacular, and in Latin, so that both versions say the same thing and each is a nice piece of Liturgy in its respective tongue).

Can someone slip me copies ... either now or as soon as they get them?


  1. I understand that the Propers for the Feasts of England and Wales (inc Blessed John Henry Newman) are now being processed in Rome, along with the requests of the Bishop's Conference of England and Wales for the inclusion of "Christ has died..." as a Memorial Acclamation, and the Asperges within the Penitential Rite rather than as an Appendix within the Tertio Editio.

  2. Are you intending what was done by some eager persons in Sydney back when Australia gained her first beata in 1995? - they waited at the church door with a radio, listening for the words declaring Mary MacKillop to be Blessed, and thereupon processed into the church with fuming thurible aswinging, to celebrate the very first Mass in her honour (since His Holiness, at the mega-Mass-site elsewhere in Sydney, was still proceeding through a very long liturgy nowhere near completion). The celebrant believes he caught a glimpse of the Beata at the side of the altar...

  3. This is old news now, but for the benefit of googlers, I will post this comment anyway: The propers for Newman's October 9th memorial can be found here:

