3 April 2010


Ex Fide blog for superb pictures and good brief explanations of the Real (pre-Pius XII) Holy Week rites, and details of their newly made black set with Spanish Cut folded chazzies. Knocks NLM for six.

On Good Friday, should the Altar Cross have been veiled black, just as on Maundy Thursday it is white? Or am I imagining this?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am very tired of this one (found on "Ex Fides" site):

    "in deference to local custom everybody got communion."

    What? Don’t they understand the essential doctrine of the ONENESS of the Church - "Thousands are, as one, receivers One, as thousands, of believers, Takes the Food that cannot waste"? “Local custom” my can! Just follow the book, please. They need to teach their people rather than “customize” twisted logic.

    (Nice folded chazzies though!)

    Which brings up another point (I don't accuse "Ex Fide" of this one -- yet). Holy Saturday after sundown is in contravention of the clear text of the Exsultet/Exultet, which says (in translation):

    "This is the night whereof it is written: And the night is as clear as the day: And, then shall my night be turned into day."

    After all, aren't the Triduum the cosmically significant reversing, upside-down, days for all time?

    (I know I'm a jerk but peons like me can get away with it sometimes - at any rate, I am right.)

  3. "in deference to local custom everybody got communion."

    What? Don’t they understand the essential doctrine of the ONENESS of the Church - "Thousands are, as one, receivers One, as thousands, of believers, Takes the Food that cannot waste"? “Local custom” my can!

    Methinketh there may be a degree of irony in Ex Fide's original statement that has escaped Fr L.R. ....

  4. Thanks, Sir Watkins, I actually suspected the irony you allude to on De Fide's part and took it as an opportunity to rush in and scorch the earth, lest the irony be lost (some will no doubt say "Oh, I'm glad to see someone else has that "local custom." too."). As I said, I'm just a peon and can get away with playing the fool.

    ...videre sepulcrum, alleluia!

  5. The white veil on the altar cross is essentially in deference to the Blessed Sacrament. The altar Cross on Good Friday should be black or violet.

  6. Fr H.,

    Back in your BCP days in Devon, was it, did you ever celebrate the Holy Communion (1662) on Good Friday?

    If your parishioners had permitted it, you could even have used a proper Preface from one of the C. of E.'s experimental liturgies (1689):

    IT is very meet, right and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, Everlasting God:
    WHO hast not spared thine own Son, but delivered him up for us all, that by making himself a sacrifice for our sins, be might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
    THEREFORE with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious Name; evermore praising thee, and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory; Glory be to thee, O Lord Most High. Amen.

    I think that "peculiar people" must surely be part of the Patrimony.

  7. A black veil on the altar cross is certainly described by the better Roman authors on rubrics and ceremonial.

    Fr. LR - where I was MC this year you will be pleased to learn that the Exsultet was sung in the bright light of day.
