19 October 2009

The Solemnity of S Frideswide

When I was an undergraduate, today, the Festival of the Patron Saint of the City, University, and Diocese of Oxford used to be observed with a Pontifical High Mass sung in the Cathedral by the Diocesan. Those, of course, were the Catholic glory days of the diocese; Bishop Kirk was no longer bishop but Bishop Carpenter, who ordained me to the Diaconate and the Sacred Priesthood, was a more than adequate substitute. Quorum animabus propitietur Deus.

Fuimus, et fuit Troia.


  1. Vergil still rings. Arma virumque cano!

  2. Completely off topic, but perhaps you'd like to know.
    This is from the Vatican "Bolletino":

    Si informano i giornalisti accreditati che domani, martedì 20 ottobre 2009, alle ore 11.00, nell’Aula Giovanni Paolo II della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, si terrà un briefing su un tema attinente ai rapporti con gli Anglicani, cui parteciperanno l’Em.mo Card. William Joseph Levada, Prefetto della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede e S.E. Mons. Joseph Augustine Di Noia, O.P., Segretario della Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti.
