16 October 2009

Help needed

My Parochial Church Council has demanded, as such bodies do, that in Advent we should have Solemn Vespers of our Lady followed by Solemn Benediction.

In the cobwebby laden cupboard at the back of the Church, we do have a nice set of copies for the laity of Vespers of our Blessed Lady, produced by and in the inimitable style of the Society of Saints Peter and Paul. But what about the music?

Can any kindly reader point me in the direction of a musical version?

I mean, in English. We do Benediction in Latin, but Vespers in English.

The Society of SS P & P existed in the first half of the C20 in the time of that Baroque triumphalist Anglo-Catholicism which we now find so appealing. It was considered provocative (don't ask me why) that they described themselves as Publishers to the Church of England, and also sold such Church Requisites as Latimer and Ridley Pricket Stands.


  1. Wantage printed an A4 (?) booklet with the music and text. We used to use it at S. Clement's. Do you want a copy in the post, Father?

  2. That would be VERY kind. Thanks.

  3. I'd be happy to create a PDF doc of a monastic, plainsong Vespers of our Lady if it would be of use, antiphons and all.

  4. Thanks. I'll get in touch if the musicians deem that the Wantage form is problematic.

  5. Given the current postal situation, you might be well advised to accept rev'd up's offer!
