13 July 2009

The "Continuum"

I gather that I have been the object of criticism in something called the "Continuum"? What is this? Who are they? I have been told that they dislike me for being a "Papalist", like S Augustine of Canterbury and a number of other inferior people over the centuries, and that they use the verb/noun "camp" as often as they can in each sentence they write ... perhaps we latinists should call them the castrati ... geddit? geddit?

Friends inform me that I am disliked by whoever these people are for "behaving as though the Reformation had never happened". I do hope they never visit the Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham. The restored Holy House there has a foundation stone with a Latin inscription - probably drafted by the great Papalist Fr Fynes Clinton (Fr Hope Patten's Latin never got far beyond the nominative of mensa). It lists the reigning Sovereign Pontiff, the diocesan bishop, and the Parish Priest, just as if there were no little hiatuses in communion between any of the three of them. Just as though, in fact, the Reformation had never ... er ...

If the Continuum come to Mass at S Thomas's I will try to ensure that we sing them that lovely old hymn which includes the poetic words
... strikes no chord more true to Rome's,
Than rings within our hearts and homes:
"God bless our Pope, the great, the good."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous13 July, 2009

    Yes, "castrati" is very good indeed! (esp. being that the most vocal critics are from the "ACC").

    They are dogs to their vomit.
    Woof, woof.

    Facts reveals that Catholics in the "Church of England" put up with the prayer books not just because the BCPs were base line catholic but more so because non-conformity could mean time in The Tower or worse. The most onerous novelty (though catholic enough I suppose) was the BCP Canon which had no historical precedent but was loosely modeled after the Gelasian/Western/Gregorian/Roman Canon. How many "Continuum" readers think it is a translation? HaHa! There would be no shame for them to admit that the truest expression of an English Catholicity must be found in the ancient LATIN prayers, rituals and liturgies, ie the Rite of Sarum (the pre-1955 English & Roman Missals are the closest thing to Sarum available (or perhaps the 1951 "American Missal" with a Roman sacramentary...)). Now that they can, as it were, "get the BCP monkey off their back," why do they suffer it? Dogs to vomit.

    As they, the Continuum, often lament: Anglicans laud the BCP but nobody really uses it. My careful analysis reveals that they, in their guts, don't really believe the BCP can "git 'er done." Else, why does even Fr. H (Hart this time) equivocate on the Gloria in extremis, minor Propers, Benedictus, etc. without authorization from the XXXIX or the BCP?

    The BCP is a homely book, but their daft insistence on it makes thoughtful people want to hate it.

  3. thank you Father H. for your intersting comments on a variety of topics. those interested can go to the "continumm" blog-site: http://anglicancontinuum.blogspot.com and read through the various offerings. scroll down to the entry "fight'n words" for a specific mention of Father H. IMHO, the people there are generally extremely sincere, devout, and theologically astute and often they seem to be operating in lines parallel to the views expressed here but unfortunately parallel lines never meet. may God unite all those various competing lines eventually for our peace and His glory.

  4. one thing more (and forgive me if i am explaining what everyone else already knows)---"the continuum" at least for the folks on that blog consist of "orthodox" anglicans who have separated from the Episcopal Church in the U.S. on natters such as women's ordination to the priesthood and perceived changes in theology embedded in the current (1979) BCP. there are appaently several different groups under several different names and they as a group tend to a more "catholic" view of sacraments, liturgy, and orders but while some apparently would eventually hope to in some way re-unite with "Rome" (or "Constantinople") many (like many of the bloggers on the Continuum site) are quite convinced that "Anglicanism" is a completely valid expression of the Catholic faith that is in fact free of "errors" contined in both Catholic and Orthodox churches.

  5. Dear Father,

    I comment on my own website:


    Fr. Anthony

  6. Fr Anthony: I have been reading your blog with great interest. I say it here because there seems to be no way of leaving a comment for you. I thought your remarks on the "continuum" admirably balanced and sensible.

  7. Before I joined the Orthodox Church through the Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate, I attended St. Mary of the Angels Anglican Church in Hollywood, CA. Not only did they act as thoough the Reformation had not happened, but also as though the Schism had never occured, since, at the time, they not only commemorated Pope John Paul II, but also Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Alexey of Russia.

  8. Fr Hunwicke,

    Assuming you are referring to our weblog, The Continuum, it might be better for you to engage with us first hand rather than second hand. That way you would be able to differentiate between the sentiments of the editors and those of commenters and avoid making false and facetious accusations. Given that one of the contributing editors, myself, has labelled himself an Anglo-Papalist, though of a more critical, nuanced kind perhaps than you would approve, and given that I am unaware that any of the editors has claimed you are camp, or that you are disliked, such an engagement would clear up things considerably I think. We may still disagree on some things, but needlessly sarcastic barbs would, I think, not then be sent in our direction.

    As it happens, priests of the Anglican Catholic Church have been associated in the past with the shrine at Walsingham, and both the Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople have been known to be commemorated at Mass in some places among us, I believe.

    Pax et bonum,

    Fr M. Kirby

  9. They comment in one article about how the RCC caught up with the Anglicans by banning torture after V2. Perhaps someone should tell the Catholic martyrs of penal times that it wasn't really torture that they suffered.

    Keep up the good work, Father. I'm one RC who enjoys your blog. As for a mile-long post on the complimentary thought of Jewel and Hooker, they can keep it.
