2 March 2009

Obartion and Pius XII; et QUAERUNTUR

The penny has dropped in my mind. I had been wondering where I had seen the Obama look before; that haunting expression, young yet unspeakably wise, accessible yet focussed upon realities far beyond the every-day. Even this side of the water, it constantly looks at us out of posters and will clearly soon be on the mass-produced teashirts that betoken the arrival of spring. Come back, Che Guevara, all is forgiven.

It was the image-gurus who handled Pius XII that had the same instincts. The Pontiff never seemed to do anything as vulgar as looking at camera. Like the abortionist Obama, he seemed always to be consumed with ethereal thoughts as he gazed at some meaningful and noble reality situated on a plane far above that of the commonplace.

I wonder how long it will be before the gullible millions rumble the fact that they have been taken for a ride ... by President Aborma, that is, not Pius XII.


Is there any reason why one should not say a Sunday Vigil Mass in the Extraordinary Form?

What is the status currently of the Prayers said at the foot of the Altar after Low Masses?


  1. I was at the London Oratory last year at a low mass, and the Prayers after Low Mass were recited.

    Sandford MacLean

  2. Not only do they cultivate photos of Obartion (very apropos!) having that far-off, constipated expression but they "halo" him as well. (Do an image search of "barack obama halo").

    I presume by "vigil" you imply the evening, anticipation Mass. If this is correct, I believe it was the "alvus abstricta" countenanced Pius XII that sanctioned evening Mass with the Bugninified Sabbato Sancto? Prior to this, evening Mass was a provincial abnormality (ie. Novus Ordo). Since then it's really come into its own; hasn't it?

    Perhaps, the best way would be to offer the Tridentine Mass early Sunday AM?

    It seems the Angelus has replaced the 100 year mandate placed on the Leonine prayers, but this is an abuse of the Angelus taking it out its intended context. Though once my practice to say them, I stopped using the Leonine prayers out of sheer laziness. And though not your post's intention, I am rebuked. I will correct this oversight.

  3. In my parish here in NJ, USA, at the Mass celebrated according to the EF, we always have the Leonine prayers.

    I think of them as prayers for the unity of the Church, which befits Pope Benedict's goal of "reconciliation" within the Church.

  4. At my EF parish, they are always said after Low Mass. In my Baronius edition 1962 Missal, the prayers are described as "now optional."

    I think that is about right. Paul VI didn't suppress the prayers---he just made them no longer required.

    Of course, they aren't even part of the Mass. You could just as well do a Rosary or a Chaplet of Divine Mercy immediately at the end of Mass (which I've seen).

