2 February 2009

Wolf Packs

They're closing in on Pope Benedict XVI. In the newspapers, on the television, in the blogosphere, in debates in legislatures, in trendy magazines. They think they've got him.

It's prejudice, prejudice, prejudice. In many cases it's their atavistic gut hatred of Rome, which they were prepared to put slightly on hold if a Pope (like John XIII) seemed to be behaving sufficiently unpopishly. In some cases it's fear of somebody who is cleverer than they are; they don't mind Christians as long we appear not very bright, because then they can feel unthreatened. For others, it's because they can see Benedict as a contradiction of their own corrupt and promiscuous lifestyles. In many cases it's the simple deep-down hatred many have of Holiness, because they are children of the Father of all lies.

This is a moment of pure contest of Evil against Good; something that we very rarely see in this world of Gray Areas. The Dark is rising. This is not a time to sit on the fence or hedge bets; to say " on the one hand ... and on the other". This is the time to show where one stands. In years to come, the question will still be: "What did you do, when the animals were baying for Benedict XVI?"


  1. We should rally to his defence and urge him to do something about Williamson. With the best of intentions the whole affair has been grossly mishandled. The Vatican Press office which Dr Damian Thompson describes as still living in the 50's should be completely reformed. Those of us who have the time should roam Secular and Jewish blogs pointing out that Williamson has not been reinstated or rehabilitated,that he cannot function as a bishop, that he has been silenced by the Superior of the SSPX, and that the Pope last Wednesday specifically repudiated his views on the Shoah/holocaust.

    This most intelligent, scholarly, humane, and decent Pope should be supported by all Christians. What a pity some of his advisers have proved so inept and given ammunition to anti-Catholics, to those still fighting World War II, and to the Jewish equivalent of Williamson (fortunately small in numbers) who do not want friendliness with Christians.

    It would be a tragedy if the growing friendliness of Christians and Jews were wrecked by this episode.

    Long live the Deutsche Pape who speaks of "our elder brethren in the faith".

  2. "our elder brethren in the faith."

    As in, Cain vs. Able? Saul vs. David? Esau vs. Jacob?

    You don't put new wine in old bottles. It is not unfriendly to insist Jews convert or suffer eternity in hell. It is an act of Christian charity. They regard the Shoah as their "calvary." In honestly questioning their "calvary," what sin did Williamson commit? The Shoah-ism is idolatry.

  3. Why not ask the Pope , Revd up? He and his great predecessor have used the phrase many times. I suggest you read Vatican II on on the Church and Non-Christian religions with special attention to the section on Judaism.

    The alternative to conversion is not hell. Only particular types of Protestant believe that, it is not a Catholic belief.

    As for Williamson, either he is of limited intelligence, in which case he truly believes the rubbish he peddles, or he is not,from which we can draw the inevitable conclusion.

    Your remarks about the mass murder of millions of people I can assure you are not appreciated. The Shoah was a real event in which many lost loved ones. I assume that like my relatives you have never had to flee for your life or lost cousins and fathers to the gas chambers.

  4. Why not ask the Pope , Revd up? He and his great predecessor have used the phrase many times. I suggest you read Vatican II on on the Church and Non-Christian religions with special attention to the section on Judaism.

    The alternative to conversion is not hell. Only particular types of Protestant believe that, it is not a Catholic belief.

    As for Williamson, either he is of limited intelligence, in which case he truly believes the rubbish he peddles, or he is not,from which we can draw the inevitable conclusion.

    Your remarks about the mass murder of millions of people I can assure you are not appreciated. The Shoah was a real event in which many lost loved ones. I assume that like my relatives you have never had to flee for your life or lost cousins and fathers to the gas chambers.

  5. The best support for Pope Benedict would be a mass conversion of Anglo-Catholic clergy.

  6. Alas, Presbyter, except they worship Christ Jesus they will go to hell. That, and God shall laugh them to scorn and vex them in His sore displeasure.

    "Only particular types of Protestant believe that, it is not a Catholic belief."

    Don't be ridiculous! Where'd you learn about Catholicism? Wikipedia?
