6 March 2024

St. Saviour's College

 Dr Newman informs us that Mr Charles Reding was destined to learn Anglicanism at Oxford; and so "to that celebrated seat of learning he was in due time transferred, being entered at St. Saviour's College."

Recently I spotted, in something I was (er) reading, that "St. Saviour seems to have been the medieval form of Christ Church, and though there are medieval precedents for Christ Church and modern instances of St. Saviour, Christ Church is almost entirely modern." 

The writer was not alluding specifically to S John Henry Newman or to the Colleges of the University of Oxford, although he was a Keble man ... and Ely, if you really want to know ... Modern History ... and he gave no evidence or references for these assertions. No hint that he had Cardinal College particularly in mind.

Are his assertions true? Any ideas?


  1. Before Christ Church ( Cardinal College ) was founded the site was St Frideswide’s Priory and also at the Oriel and CCC side there was Canterbury College ( now represented by the Quad of that name and Peckwater Hall ( ditto the Quad). I have never come across anywhere on the site being called St Saviour’s.

  2. A note on these church titles in Connecticut. The first attempt at an RC Church building was in Hartford in 1829, using a CHRIST CHURCH bought from Episcopalians and renamed HOLY TRINITY. Soon the dedication was changed to ST PATRICK, and that parish still exists.
    Not long after, a second RC parish, first named CHRIST CHURCH, opened in New Haven. It was renamed ST MARY'S and still exists as the shrine and burial place of it's former senior curate, BD MICHAEL McGIVNEY, whose junior curate was my great-granduncle, Rev James Ryle. I know of only one ST SAVIOUR'S here, a small, high-church Anglican parish in Old Greenwich, CT.

  3. There are two churches in the Isle of Man called Kirk Christ. It is asserted in a lecture by the vicar of Kirk Christ, Rushen in 1911 https://rushenparishorg.files.wordpress.com/2022/10/kc-leece.pdf that both are actually dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and that Christ Church Dublin and Christ Church Oxford are similarly dedicated to the Holy Trinity, as is Christ's Church Canterbury. I have no idea whether any of this is accurate. It is also a speculation by some Manx historians that both may, at different times, have been (the site of) cathedrals.
