4 March 2024

My final few thoughts on FIDELIA SUPPLICIA

As I understand it, the heart of the new Bergoglian dogmas concerning blessings is something like this: 

A Blessing is a pure act of divine benevolence and does not imply that the Almighty, or the person receiving the Blessing, sees it as a formal legitimation of the status, actions, or entire mode of life of the one blessed.

So let us consider X, who is planning a genocidal expedition to exterminate a particular race. He is a decent enough bloke, and particularly kind and considerate to his wife and children. He is an exemplary boss towards his subordinates, assisting them when necessary in personal and professional matters. He encourages a scrupulously honest approach in every area of life. Realising that Genocide is not quite in accordance with the full Catholic dogma as envisaged in the manuals, he, nevertheless would welcome God's Blessing on all and everything that is noble and wholesome in his life.

Or perhaps we might consider Y, who is a practising paedophile. He is kindly and gentle, never rough or violent, generous to his young friends, concerned to do all he can to advance their lives and to assist their personal interests. He, too, realises that his activities ... sexual, in this case ... fall short of the nuances and the precise, detailed structures commended by the the teaching of the Catholic Church with regard to Sex. But he would like to move forward, gradually coming closer and closer to Catholic sexual ideals ... although, at the moment, he is not yet able to accept them in their fulness. 

Each of these feels that a Pastoral Unliturgical Blessing from a priest would assist his journey, and each of them desires to be accompanied by the Church in his spiritual journey (synodoporia).

How easily will X and Y fit into the format described by the document which Fernandez has drafted and PF has signed? 


  1. You can also try:

    The man with a sawn off shot gun, in stocking mask, outside a bank who spontaneously asks for a blessing

  2. PF is trying to bring in Gay Marriage and excuses his behavior by not calling it "holy matrimony" Wait, now, for him to do something positively reeking of traditionalism. That is his m.o.: to constantly behave in a disruptive manner, and to use ambiguity in the service of change. As Abp. Chaput once observed regarding PFs efforts, it is an "inversion," and it comes from Satan. Nobody could be as constantly "misunderstood" as PF is, without being up to no good. Because he is not really being misunderstood. We can all see through him. He is a manipulator, a divider, a bully.

  3. Bingo. Just brilliant.

  4. See "The Unconscionable Pastoral Malpractice of Fiducia Supplicans" posted on the Catholic365 website. It points out how following FS is a serious dereliction of duty regardless of the intention.

    Do priests really want to help save souls by offering immediate help for what threatens them the most, or is the hope of a gradual repentance sufficient, even for those in a state of mortal sin?

  5. I didn't want to be the first to respond, and am surprised that I am not. This is an excellent way of understanding FS, and probably the only legitimate way to do so. And it's rather amusing as well. God bless you, Father!
    Mary K Jones

  6. Well written! Says it all. Make sure the blessings don't last longer than 15 seconds (stopwatch essential) and don't care to wear your stole!
