18 September 2023

The Statue of our Lady of Walsingham


A few years ago, strongg evidence was put forward that a particular statue of our Blessed Lady, preserved in the V & A, is really the surviving statue of the (never burned!) statue of OLW. But I've lost the reference. Can any reader provide it??


  1. I think this is what you're after, Father:


  2. There is also a Church Times article - https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2019/9-august/news/uk/marian-statue-may-be-medieval - tho' it's behind what I believe they call a 'pay-wall'

  3. http://liturgicalnotes.blogspot.com/2020/10/our-lady-of-walsingham.html?m=1

  4. https://livingchurch.org/2019/08/09/original-our-lady-of-walsingham-statue-may-be-in-londons-v-a/

  5. Mr.Whitehead has a good list of relevant websites at
    Kind regards.

  6. Story here: https://livingchurch.org/2019/08/09/original-our-lady-of-walsingham-statue-may-be-in-londons-v-a/

  7. https://drfrancisyoung.com/2019/07/25/our-lady-of-walsingham-the-mystery-of-the-langham-madonna/

  8. This?


  9. Dear Fr. Hunwicke.

    I think this Link is what you are searching for:


    in Domino

  10. https://livingchurch.org/2019/08/09/original-our-lady-of-walsingham-statue-may-be-in-londons-v-a/

  11. Dear Fr,

    No need to publish this comment. Three things:

    1. You have been such an inspiration to me down through the years. It's upsetting me to that you're now old, and one day I won't wake up here and receive your wisdom. I've profited from it very great. I pray for you, for your health, and in gratitude for the gift you have been to us all

    2. Your wisdom has been very instrumental for me in building up my own Ordinariate community here in the US. We are a thriving place in our own unique way, with over 600 a Sunday, having baptized over 60 children in the last three years, with a few more to come, and a $3mil campaign to expand our church and facilities. Please pray for us during these strange times.

    3. Finally, I'm giving a presentation on the Ordinariate's serpentine history next week, and I very vaguely remember reading somewhere on your blog sometime in the past 15 years that Rome was amiable to approving a version of the BCP while Elizabeth I was queen. Have I dreamt this up? If not, where can I track down a reference of this kind?

    Many blessings to you, Father.

    Fr Justin Fletcher

  12. https://catholicherald.co.uk/was-the-original-walsingham-statue-really-destroyed-or-is-it-in-the-va/

  13. https://www.bing.com/search?q=Blessed+Lady%2C+preserved+in+the+V+%26+A%2C+is+really+the+original+statue+of+Our+Lady+of+Walsingham+&qs=n&form=QBRE&pc=U534&sp=-1&ghc=1&lq=1&pq=blessed+lady%2C+preserved+in+the+v+%26+a%2C+is+really+the+original+statue+of+our+lady+of+walsingham&sc=1-93&sk=&cvid=425F20A08973487AAF02B4553B2DAF4D&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=

  14. There's an article about it in the Herald if that's any help:


  15. Dear Father,

    Here are some links you may find useful. I hope they help.

    -Michael Sheil




  16. https://livingchurch.org/2019/08/09/original-our-lady-of-walsingham-statue-may-be-in-londons-v-a/

  17. Here is a link: https://livingchurch.org/2019/08/09/original-our-lady-of-walsingham-statue-may-be-in-londons-v-a/

  18. "I very vaguely remember reading somewhere on your blog sometime in the past 15 years that Rome was amiable to approving a version of the BCP while Elizabeth I was queen. Have I dreamt this up? If not, where can I track down a reference of this kind?"

    Fr. Fletcher,

    I'm not aware of any such "aimability" on Rome's part, then or later, and rather think (as a historian of those times) I would have come across some reference or allusion to it, had it been the case. In the 1570s in Sweden, the "catholicizing" Lutheran king, Johan III (b. 1537, k. 1569, d. 1592) tried to persuade Rome to look favorably on a "catholicized" Lutheran eucharistic rite which the king had promulgated. Rome didn't respond, although a few Jesuits whom the king had invited to Sweden thought it "a step in the right direction." Cf.:


  19. @bill or Fr Justin Fletcher: perhaps you were thinking of this post of 27 February 2008, entitled "The Even More Extraordinary Form", in which Father H states that "I used to explain to the probably bemused folks of Broadwood Widger [a BCP congregation] that their closest allies were SSPX, and that Benedict XVI was the first pope ever to be a Prayer Book enthusiast."

  20. Professor Tighe, I have the same feeling, and at any rate isn't what Paul IV was known for. There is, however, one such allusion that I've been able to track down. In the preface to his Apology for Liturgy, Jeremy Taylor says, "Paulus Quartus, in his private intercourses and letters to queen Elizabeth, did offer to confirm the English common prayer book, if she would acknowledge his primacy and authority, and the reformation derivative from him." P. 290 here: https://books.google.je/books?id=ITMJAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false

  21. In reply to Fr Justin Fletcher, Prof William Tighe

    There does seem to have been a rumour of the kind but it has a rather uncertain provenance, he-said-she-said

    cf. http://anglicanhistory.org/liturgy/harington_pius1856.html

  22. It recalls a bit in its appearance the 'black Madonna' statue of Our Lady of Dublin in Whitefriars St, which is a very rare mediaeval survival.
