15 December 2021


 High on this morning's list of News items here in Blighty is "the problem of male violence against women". 

Just yesterday, the lead story was the murder of a female toddler by the Lesbian 'partner' of the child's mother. The murderer is a keen amateur boxer. When family and neighbours expressed anxieties about the treatment of the child, social workers were fobbed off with a claim that the complainants were prejudiced against a Lesbian relationship.

Last week, our main story was the murder of Baby Arthur by the woman with whom his father was living.

I am not saying that there is no male violence against women. I am not saying that 'stepmothers' are necessarily vicious. I am not saying that Lesbians are all, or even often, murderous psychopaths.

Indeed, I strongly and completely repudiate all and any such wicked generalisations because what I am urging is the discontinuance of all stereotyping.

Even the stereotyping of males.


  1. It sounds like being "woke" has reach England in the press. W have a corrupt media in America, and the UK is no better unfortunately.

  2. Dear Father. Dang, no stereotypes?

    It's going to be tough for me to stop making this observation:

    These people are white; Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Fauci, The majority of The SCOTUS. They have supreme power over your life and they constantly order you around and kill your liberties. But they are definitely NOT white supremacists. Only powerless whites are white supremacists.

  3. There are plenty of men serving long prison sentences as a result of the stereotype of male violence to which you refer. In the course of my six years of prison ministry I frequently came across men who had been put in prison after a complaint made by their 'partners' which usually followed a drug or drink influenced fight instigated by them, largely it seemed, out of frustration at the fecklessness of their men folk. It was not uncommon for these women then to withdraw the complaint and plead with the police for the release from custody of their menfolk. But the wheels of justice had started to grind and there was no stopping them turning. Moreover, if the man had the misfortune to come up before a particular female judge, they knew they would get the maximum possible sentence.

  4. And the vicious war against white men rages on---out of malice, out of envy for the building of a great civilization, and out of fear of harridans and entitled psychopaths. Are we all enjoying liberal utopia yet?
