11 February 2021

Linguistic Philosophy and Aposiopesis. Not, er, for the under-seventies.

A former Mistress [nice old-fashioned word!] of a former King of Spain has a lot of names, including "Wittgenstein". Is she ... er ...

I wonder if Mme de Stael and the Corsican Tyrant ... er ...

As for Mrs Thrale and Dr Johnson, well ... er ... 

Tot feminae, tot philosophi, tot quaestiones.

Post scriptum: Ms Wittgenstein, who is now in litigation with his Most Catholic Majesty emerito, has claimed in the public papers that he used to be dosed up with female hormones, rendering him incapable of, er, lots of things.  

I think it was Ms Mitford's book which recorded that Louis XIV, even in old age, was known to entreat marital encounters as many as seven times a night. 

How mightily is the once prolifica House of Bourbon fallen!!

1 comment:

B flat said...

Dear Father,
Are you slipping? I doubt you ever bothered much with the worldly notions of ths people who were in or out of fashion, but is the appellation 'Ms' appropriately "U" for a Mitford girl?